The young boy was Raiden E. Rosenblade

"Good morning my lord, I hope that you had a nice sleep"

"A nice sleep huh?...hadn't experience that since forever"

Raiden then looked as if he was lost in thought and began staring in the distance before regaining his focus and turning back to Lia

"Still I'm a bit surprised...To be honest, I expected you to run away and tattle me to my mother"

"Well, I did report this to your mother in hopes that she would do something about it but she's oblivious as ever"

"Heh... as a servant, the way you act around her is really you two have some sort of history?"

" Well...something like that, though if I could turn back time, I would tell myself not to involve with her any further...she's too irksome..."

"Well, you and I agree there"

Raiden then jumped down from the branch and landed on the ground, the nearby grass surrounding him seemed to be blown away by the sudden gust that was created by the sheer force of his feet touching the ground

"Well...are you ready...Lia?"

Raiden then drew the sword from his sheath and took on a fighting stance, Lia could sense the atmosphere being dire and tensed up a bit

"I'm always ready my lord...but before that"

"What? don't tell me you wanna back out at the last minute? I don't really mind but you know what happens after that right?"

"No that's not it...I was just wondering if you already had breakfast"


"I was asking if you already had breakfast, my lord"

Raiden's serious demeanor was suddenly replaced with one with sheer confusion

"...We're about to have a duel right now....and you're asking me if I've eaten breakfast?"


"...Is such a thing right now really necessary?"

Lia suddenly felt a bit ticked by that statement

'This little brat...the number one rule of the day is to always eat breakfast! not eating could throw your rhythm for the entire day and could result in high-stress levels!'

Lia may have been a workaholic both in this life and in her previous life but she had never skipped breakfast even once and considers it to be of great importance

"It is, my lord, being in a hungry state while in combat is a dangerous thing, I need to ensure that both of us are in top shape"

'because I could definitely see you using hunger as an excuse when you lose'

"I haven't but-"

"If you haven't then let's eat right now my lord, I've prepared a few slices of cutlet sandwich with chicken, eggs, and cheese to ensure that you would receive the proper nutritional requirements for the day"

Lia says this as she opens the basket that she brought

"H-Hold on! Why should I have to eat your garbage cooking! for all I know, you could've poisoned the damn thing!"

"I ensure you that It's not poisoned my lord, and besides, didn't you like the food that I made yesterday?"

"Don't you bring that up! that was that and this is this, You don't really expect me to trust you over one simple meal?!"

The Iron MaidenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora