Chapter Two - Nekoma

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"Show me again, papa!" The 4 year old, black haired boy with piercing blue eyes squealed as a very similar looking man chuckled, but complied to his son's requests.

He raised the white, yellow, and blue ball in front of him and pushed it up into the air above him. With his dominant hand already poised behind him, he rotated his shoulder and brought the palm of his hand onto the ball as gravity took place. The slapping of skin on synthetic material vibrated in the cold air soon to be followed by the smack of the ball against the red brick wall ahead of the pair. The child's eyes glistened in awe as his father and idol crouched down, bending at the knees with fists pressed together and extended in front of him. With a simple lift of the man's hips as the ball came into contact with his sturdy hands, the ball changed trajectory and shot upwards only to be caught by the older male again.

"You have to teach me, papa! Please teach me!" The giggles resonated as the bundle of joy bounced up and down on his feet completely unaware of the pride and utter love his father was looking at him with.

He walked forward and knelt down, raising his empty hand and ruffling the boy's hair and placing a gentle kiss to his temple, "Of course I will teach you, my little pup! But first we must help your dear mother with lunch and then we can continue on the epic training!!"

The pair laughed and played about as they entered the building they called home. Their antics causing chaos with the mother and wife in the house, leaving her to laugh and tickle her son while sending her husband a loving look.

I returned to my classroom slightly early than I expected to, clearly underestimating my own sense of direction. I was more than happy to see the hallways somewhat clear as I wandered down, allowing myself to think back to the scene I watched from the very small volleyball match. It reminded me of the actual decent memories I had playing when I was a child and even though some of the more recent ones aren't so pleasant, nothing could ever push me away from the sport I loved so much.
I pushed the sliding door open to the classroom and silently entered. No one turned their heads to stare at me and I cautiously wandered towards the sensei's desk, wringing my hands from the anxiety of just talking to an adult I barely knew.

"Excuse me," my voice was small and replicated my posture and it seemed to shrink in on itself, only getting worse when his attention turned on me, "I was w-wondering if you had any club application forms?"

I swallowed down the stutter and sucked in a sharp breath, glad that I had enough knowledge in the Japanese school culture from the stories I used to hear from my Japanese father. It was also the reason I was able to speak the native language fluently.

"Of course I do, something takes your interest then, Shen-san?" The older male opened up one of his countless folders and rummaged through it, not even bothering to look up at me as I hummed my small agreement.
"Here you go," he pulled out a simple sheet of paper with a basic layout and explained all I had to do in a very simple term, "All you need to do is sign your name here and then the club that you would like to join... here."

I nodded and thanked my sensei politely before retreating back to my desk on the corner as I watched the remainder of the students (including the one with pudding like hair) enter the classroom for the after-lunch lessons.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰

Boring. I always had this hatred for school. There was something about the learning aspect that I never really agreed with, especially if I had no interest in it all. However, I still understood and learnt everything I could just so I would be able to progress with life after my education. I sat, twiddling my own thumbs feeling a mixture of anxiety and unamusement while I waited for the final bell to sound. I rolled my eyes and the shrill echoed across the room, taking my time to gather my belongings as everyone hurried out of the classroom to head to their respective homes. Sighing shakily, I stood up and shouldered my bag and grasped the signed application form in hand before wandering out of the room.

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