Episode Four

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Theo watched as one of his cabin mates skipped a rock three times by the lake. All the boys were taking turns, when suddenly everyone's heads turned around.

The girls of Raccoon Village were strutting down the path, wearing nothing but bikinis.

"Hey!" one of his cabin mates shouted. "Are you all going to swim?"

"Yeah," a girl shouted back. "Why don't you join us?"

"We would but we're a little occupied."

"Rock skipping?"

"No, we're watching your every move."

"Then you must have seen me last night, sleeping."

"I most definitely did. I also know that you were dreaming about me."

"No. I wouldn't dream of dreaming about you."

Theo rolled his eyes. This was the dumbest conversation he had ever heard, but they kept talking.

"Why don't you get in your bathing suits and swim in the lake with us?" a girl asked with a small smile.

"We'll be back." The boy then turned to the others. "Come on! Let's get a move on!"

"Hey, hey! I'm the counselor here!" the counselor said.

"Could we go?" the boy asked.

The counselor looked around at expecting faces. "Fine," he said weakly.

"Yes!" the boys cheered, rushing to their cabins. Theo trailed behind, moving at the snail's pace. His counselor left him to catch up with the others.

By the time Theo got to the cabin, the other boys had already ran back to the lake in their swimming trunks.

Theo ignored them and walked into the cabin. As he walked into the bathroom, he noticed the shattered glass that covered part of the floor. The curtain was ripped down and shredded on the ground.

"The heck?" Theo muttered, walking closer. His mind went back to that morning when Smoke told them about some girl that went missing. Was one of his cabin mates the next victim? He wasn't worried about them, per se, but he was worried about himself. Would he be next?

"I told my mom I shouldn't have gone to this camp," he said under his breath.

Meanwhile, the girls of Fox Village were at the daisy field. Clover, Xaria, and Esme were all swinging on a wooden swing. Esme picked at the peeling white paint while Clover and Xaria swang in silence.

"You guys excited for lunch?" Clover asked.

"Eh," Xaria said. Esme didn't respond.

"Look, we're sorry for getting you caught," Clover said to Esme. "But you can't be with Brooks anyway. He's creepy and you just met him."

"I love him, okay?" Esme said. "Haven't you heard of love at first sight?"

"You can't fall in love after one day! That only happens in movies," Clover said.

"Then let my life be a movie."

"Not possible."

"Look, Clover, I can resist his bite."

"Do you really believe that he is a vampire?"

Esme waited for five swings before answering. "I believe him."

"Xaria, what do you think about vampires?"

Xaria picked at her nails. Should she tell them the truth? How much of the truth? Could she trust the two girls?

"Guys, I should tell you something. But we have to go somewhere else. I have a feeling Frida is listening," Xaria whispered, casting a glance over Esme's shoulder.

"Just tell us here," Esme said.

"Fine," Xaria said. She then opened her mouth, revealing her teeth.

"Are you serious?" Clover asked.

"Yeah." She said it so calmly that Clover knew she was telling the truth. Before, she had thought it was a joke, but now she came to a shocking conclusion.

"Esme, you can't date Brooks!" Clover exclaimed suddenly. "He will bite you! You will turn into one of them!"

"It's not a disease," Xaria mumbled, not that anyone heard her.

"He won't bite me," Esme said. "And you can't control me."

"I warned you," Clover said, getting up. "Remember that I warned you." Clover stormed away, upset. People never listened to her unless she told them what they wanted to hear. Sadly, that was rarely the truth.

"He will most likely bite you," Xaria said. "All vampires are told to bite as many humans as they can to bring in new vampires. On the first Saturday at camp, everyone is brought to the gymnasium for the announcement. Vampires are all given an armband and many people will be bitten that night. Afterward, us vampires will still be told to bite any human that we get close to."

"Do we even get a choice?" Esme asked. "Do they ask before they bite?"

"Sometimes. It depends on the vampire."

"I need to find Brooks at lunch." Esme needed to make sure she wouldn't be bitten... Not yet, anyway.

An hour later, Esme pulled Brooks out of the mess hall. She stopped once they were in the woods, away from the mess hall and nosey ears.

"We need to talk," Esme said seriously.

"I've been thinking about you all day," Brooks said. It was true. He had tried to think about the missing campers, but his mind always wandered back to Esme. He decided that if he was going to find the kidnapper, he had to do it with Esme.

Esme blushed, but then she turned serious again. "Brooks, I need you to confirm that you won't bite me until I'm ready."

Brooks looked hurt. "Don't you trust me? Do you really think I would do that?"

"No, but I had to make sure."

"I promise. I won't ever hurt you."

Esme took his hand. "That's exactly what I wanted to hear."

Brooks smiled. "I love you." He just had to tell her.

"I love you too." Esme smiled giddily and stared in her love's eyes. Brooks then looked down. "What is it?" Esme asked.

"The missing campers... I think... I think it's one of the vampires."

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