Chapter 1: Amity

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Welcome to Amity, the peaceful faction where people are always inviting and kind. In Amity the sun is always shining even if the weather wasn't actually sunny you can find it in the people; this is the faction that takes care of all your food throughout the city. We do all the farming by day and then by night we relax by a fire singing kumbaya while drinking our special selection of booze made all here in amity or we can smoke some special grass we grow here as well.

Now I know what you're all thinking this sounds like an amazing faction to be a part of, so relaxing and calm just harvesting then frolic around a field with the animals; however this faction is the most insufferable suffocating faction of them all. You have to constantly smile, always having to be happy and hugging everyone; who really acts like

that; never having a bad day, always having to be harmonious to everyone, but what can you expect from the faction who doesn't believe in conflicts.

I'll let you in on their little secret on how they really stay happy and peaceful. Peace serum... what did you think everyone was born a bundle of sun, no they put it in everything food, drinks, bathes, damn they smoke it when they can, but not me.

Now you may be wondering who I am; Names King, Amethyst King. I was Unfortunately born into amity 17 years ago. I have never fit into this faction. I have a bad temper, I'm not very friendly and I start a lot of fights which doesn't work in a happy no conflict faction. I have been an outcast here half of my life; they thought I was just a more hyperactive kid and would grow out of it always running, climbing, jumping off everything, but a rude candor boy said the wrong thing one day and the last thing he saw was my fist. Now my parents barely talk to me. I have no friends and I have to have daily meetings with Johana for my temper, but i don't go to those much.

I Hate amity.


That the sound you hear every morning at the break of sunrise to get up and start your day. I roll out of bed and Through on my work out clothes and leave before anyone else is up I go and do a couple of chores before I do my morning run. Ever since I started getting in fights I work out all the time running, climbing and even using the trees as a punching bag it definitely helps get the stress out if i'm not doing that i helping with the animals which lifting all the heavy food bags definitely works your muscles. After chores I read sometimes or my favorite pastime is to sneak around the city but don't get caught you can get in a-lot of trouble.

After I finish my morning routine I go to the Dome to get something to eat. By the time i get there everyone is about done and leaving so i can eat in since they put peace serum in all the food you have to choose wisely. Fruit that is not cut up is safe fried eggs are safe, the bread is not safe sadly. meat isn't really used here but sometimes they make sausages they are good but that's it; anything else they make usually has peace serum except salad seems to be safe.

Today is testing day leading up to tomorrow being the choosing ceremony.choosing ceremony is where kids 16-17 get to choose a new faction and I can't wait. I hurry and head home to change into my "nice Amity" clothes so I can go into the city. Amity has to get trucked into the city since we live so far out.

Walking through the city with all the other kids in the factions we head to the big building in the middle of the city. Lining up in our Current factions getting ready for our aptitude test they will can us all individually. As we are waiting we can hear the train coming in fast and people always turn to catch a glimpse of the dauntless kids jumping out of a moving train. Funny enough even though everyone turns to look most are just looking to see if they really are crazy enough to jump from a moving train while there are a few who are excited and motivated to be just like them. I sure love watching dauntless how they live free and are brave while everyone else may think they're crazy with a death wish; I wish to be dauntless.

They start calling names into the building and the lines start to get shorter and shorter and soon after I'm standing in front of a door patiently waiting for them to call me in.

"Please enter" is said from the speaker above.

I enter the empty room to see a kind abnegation lady standing by a computer and chair that kind reclines back.

"Hello Amethyst my name is Natalie prior i will be administering your aptitude test today."


"Now I know this can be nerve wracking but if you will just sit in the chair." She gestures for me to sit.

When I take my seat she hands me a small glass with a blue liquid in it.

"Ok please drink that while i explain what will happen." she tells me

I quickly drank the liquid worried it would taste bad, but I missed whatever she was saying to me about how this works so I was going to ask her to repeat it, but when I turned to her she was gone. I blink thinking I was just going blind but still no abnegation. I stood from the chair looking around the room a little confused until I saw my reflection in the mirror; It was like it has a mind of its own. Next thing I know I'm in a new room with two bowls.

" Choose. "

Turning to look at myself .

"What?why?" i ask

"Choose." she tells me again

Looking at the bowls there was meat and there was a knife. I cautiously reach out to grab the knife while thinking about the decision. Right as I take hold of the knife a rabid dog appears from behind me running at me getting ready to pounce on me. Sadly I had to take the knife to stop it. As I watched the dog lay there I see the scenery change; I was on a train.

"Do you know this person?"

A man that came out of nowhere asked.

"No." i tell him gruffly, but he squinted his eyes at me like i was lying to him

He then started to bombard me with questions demanding that I answer him. Most of the questions started to become incoherent and I was starting to get angry that he wouldn't accept that I didn't know anything about the person. Then as I was going to turn away he roughly grabbed my arm and started yelling in my face spit flying out of his deranged face and then I snapped and threw a punch sending him down to the ground, but right after the punch I jerked upright in the test chair startling mrs. prior right next to me. Taking a deep breath I turn to her to see where I will get to live the rest of my life.

As she turned to her computer and she entered my test results my hand started to become clammy. I was getting nervous knowing there was only one faction that I wanted to join.

" congratulations you got--."

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