"Yes, please." You brushed off your hands as well, sitting back. "You woke late today-- what happened?" Yoongi turned red as he let Tucker play with his index finger.

"Tired, I gue--"

"We've arrived!" You turned as the man Jin himself walked into the dining room. He grinned, setting his daughter down. "Bacon."

"Baby!" she gasped. Yoongi immediately put a finger to his lips, looking at her. She did it back. "Shh!" she practically screeched.

"Shh," he repeated in a more appropriate tone. She walked up to him as you turned your attention to Jin.

"They're bringing more," you explained as they began to eat the rest of yours. He nodded, chewing.

"We haven't had a snack yet, so this is perfect." You laughed. "When's lunch?"

"At twelve." He nodded.

"Perfect timing-- princess, ah?" You looked up to see Esther sitting on one of Yoongi's thighs with the baby in his arms so she could peer at him, her head resting against his shoulder to stay balanced. Esther opened her mouth as she tickled Tucker under the chin. Jin shoved a piece of bacon in. "Remember to chew it," he reminded. She nodded.

"Uh huh." Yoongi sighed, both children resting against him. "Baby so cute, Yoongles."


"So cute?" she asked. "Baby so cute?" Yoongi nodded slowly.

"He's, he's cute." You laughed a little and he glanced up at you before going back to the baby.

Esther opened her mouth again and Jin fed her some more. "You wanna come eat-- you might be hurting Uncle Yoongi."

"I'm okay, hyung." Jin smiled as Esther flicked her hair to turn and eat. Yoongi frowned as it hit his face.

"You sure?" Jin asked again. Yoongi held Tucker with one arm before leaning up to move her hair over her shoulder. You looked away as you decided to eat some more bacon. "You should've come in last night, y/n," Jin said, mouthful. You gave him a small smile. "I tried the pie recipe and of course, it turned out great."

"Yeah?" he nodded. "It's alright we were," you paused as Yoongi looked up at you, "pretty tired anyway." He turned red again, as did you.

"Were you?" Jin asked, not suspecting a thing.

"Yeah." You cleared your throat. "I've been-- I've been meaning to visit you both, though-- I had a dress to give to Esther."

The little girl turned at her name, whacking Yoongi once again. He sighed, pushing her hair away again. He figured pushing it to the opposite shoulder wouldn't work; he'd learned that the hard way over the past few months that he'd slept next to you.

"D-ess?" She tugged at the one she was wearing. You nodded. She giggled. "D-ess up!" Jin rolled his eyes.

"That game should be illegal."

"Why's that?" Jin sighed as he fed her some bacon.

"She puts me in her mom's old clothes." He chuckled to himself. "I look great anyway though." You smiled.

"I'm really sorry about what happened," you said gently. Jin gave you a smile. "I bet she was a wonderful woman."

"Oh, the best-- she was almost as good looking as I am." You laughed and he chuckled to himself. "But it's okay-- it's just princess and I now."

"I'm so sorry." He shook his head and shrugged.

"Things happen right?" You nodded. "Ahh, princess."

Esther shook her head, full. She crawled off of Yoongi's lap and he helped her down. "Wanna see d-ess!" She ran to you and you stood. She reached up for your hand. "D-ess!"

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