Chapter 16: The Sanitized Rescue

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Elenor: Look I know that you guys are upset only we need to help the sanitized inklings and octolings before it's to late. Do any of you guys even know what the phones plan is?

Olivia: It wants to destroy inklings and octolings so a new spices will be born and it can pass on human knowledge like it was supposed to do.

Elenor: Why didn't it just tell us?

Olivia: It doesn't like our spices.

Elenor: How is it supposed to do that?

Olivia: It has a supper weapon.

Elenor: Well, we need to get the antidote to as many inklings and octolings as we can.

Hazel: Elenors right. We need to help them. If we just sit around and be upset then before we know it the world will be destroyed. I know you guys are still upset. Just remember that he chose to die so we can live and save the inklings and octolings. I know that if Captain Cuttlefish were here, he would tell you guys to get up and save the world.

Callie: You're right.

Marie: Yeah, we're not going to get anything done by being upset.

Pearl:(lying again) I was never upset.

Helen: Tell that to your wet face.

Then they all laugh at Pearls terrible lying.

Pearl: Ha ha, not funny.

Marina: Funny or not, it made everyone smile.

Helen: I think Hazel should be the new leader.

Hazel: Why me?

Helen: You're a great leader.

Marie: I agree with Helen. Hazel is a great leader.

Callie: She really would. Who thinks that we should make Hazel the new leader of Squidbeak Splatoon when this is all over?

Pearl: I agree with you guys.

Marina: Me too.

All of Squidbeak Splatoon agreed that Hazel should be the new leader after they get all the inklings and octolings the sanitization antidote. The first thing they did was find Elisariana and made sure that she wasn't up to something and obviously she was. They decided to leave her alone because they thought she was just helping her friends. She was actually giving the octairans (that are part of the octairan army) so they could stop Squidbeak Splatoon from getting to anyone else. Squidbeak Splatoon left to go and help the others.

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