Nixie let out a huff, though her aggravation failed to deter her excitement at the mentioning of food, "can you put chocolate chips in them?"

"Of course, sweetheart" Klaus chuckled, placing a kiss on the crown of her head as she made herself comfortable on the stool right as the eldest Dovers finally made his appearance.

"Oo" Gale grinned at the sight of the pancake box on the counter and Klaus pulling out the bag of chocolate chips he had bought the day before, "I love pancakes."

The hybrid rolled his eyes with a grin, choosing to ignore the sibling squabble behind him that started as soon as he began cooking and instead focused on trying not to burn Nixie's pancakes in fear that he'd be on the receiving end of an angry spatula. All in all, it was almost a perfectly domesticated morning at the Mikaelson household..... for now.


Sophie's nimble fingers tore restlessly at celery in her hand, the finely chopped pieces beside her waiting to go into the pot while she ripped a small string from the stalk in her grasp. Satisfied with the outcome, she turned to throw the vegetable into the awaiting pot behind her but paused at the sight of someone sitting on the counter, "I cook on that, you know?"

"Don't get cranky with me" Sabine snorted, "I'm the only witch who still likes you." And both of them were completely aware of the truth within her statement.

The young Deveraux rolled her eyes as she finally dumped in the last ingredients for her pot of gumbo and gave it a quick stir, "yeah, it's not like I'm trying to save the witch heritage or anything" she grumbled.

Sabine's expression softened, though the twisted gleam in her dark orbs went unnoticed as Sophie turned to face her, "they'll come around" the mocha skinned witch tried to soothe, "they're just old school and scared."

"Scared of what" Sophie scoffed, "your prophecy about the hybrid baby? Or the one about it's mother.. Agnes and her freak show minions had a real field day with that one."

"I can't help what I see, Soph," Sabine defended with a shrug.

But that wasn't good enough for the younger witch, who let out another aggravated huff, "well, if you're psychic, I'm Martha Stewart." Moving forward, she ordered her friend to move as she began scooping up the tops of the carrots she had cut off in order to throw them into the trash.

Sabine chuckled at her friend's resilience, but shoved herself off the counter and out of the way before making herself comfortable to watch the magic that was Sophie Deveraux making her famous gumbo in a pot, until something moving out the corner of her eye caught her attention and she glanced up, stomach falling at the sight of the masked figure, "what the-

Whatever Sabine was going to say was cut off by someone grabbing her from behind, the witch having only a second to realize what was happening before her head was slammed into the nearest counter and she fell unconscious at a terrified Sophie's feet. Swinging the knife in her hand was Sophie's immediate defense but the attacker simply ducked under her swing before popping back up and blowing a handful of white powder into her face causing her senses to go into overdrive as she joined Sabine on the floor.


Rebekah grunted as her cramping hand rubbed tirelessly at the bloodstain on the rug in their parlor, her once flawless blonde waves matting to her sweaty forehead thanks to the stubborn stain and she threw her brother who was sitting across the room a sneer. He of course remained oblivious to her snotty expressions and had fully intended on ignoring her existence as his eyes skimmed the pages of his book until of course, she had to open her fat mouth, "poetry about poisoned apples from dead trees" she noted, "looks like someone is worried about impending daddyhood."

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