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I'm back! Hopefully you guys will enjoy this one just like my other book. We're going to start this book off with a bit of a chapter.


As children we already have pre-existing fears, these fears are either: being alone, the darkness, or being alone in the darkness. And in young Hongjoong's case his fear is all three of those. The cause of this, it was all thanks to his so called 'parents', as much as Hongjoong hated his parents he also feared them.

His mother a waitress at the nearest pub in their village and his father a cranky, drunk-out-of-his-mind lumberjack.

The two started treating Hongjoong as their slave when he became five. They would order him around and if he ever disobeyed them, he would end up with a few bruises or worst yet, getting locked up in his room for a few days without food, water, and light. His windows were boarder up by wood from the outside by his father, since one time he got caught trying to escape and that didn't end well. But with the way of how his father covered up the window, there was a small opening that allowed the smallest of light from the moon to sliver into the boy's room, and from the same opening Hongjoong was able to see the night sky, he could get a glimpse of the moon and his favorite part.

The stars. He once heard the other village children saying that they make wishes to the stars and that it sometimes works, so Hongjoong made his wishes that night, but to his luck nothing came true.

But that all changes tonight. At the age of eleven, Hongjoong will be leaving this hell-hole for good. His plan was to sneak out of his room and out the back door, and he will be doing that while his parents are asleep.

“Hey brat get in here!” His father yelled from the living room. Not wanting to upset the man, Hongjoong quickly went in the room. He saw both of his parents playing cards, and around them littered bottles of beer and the air smelled like smoke.

“Get me another beer would ya, and make it quick” He ordered harshly, placing down another card.

Following the orders, the eleven year-old went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of beer from the countertop. But before he went back, he grabbed two pieces of bread and stuffed them into his hat that he wore just for this, not letting his parents see them.

“I don't see any beer in front of me!”

That was Hongjoong's cue to get back and deliver the beer. Placing the drink on the table, he waited patiently for his father's permission to let him go back to his room. His father popped open the cork of the bottle and downed about half of it in one go, releasing a satisfied sound, he then looked at his son.

“What are you still doing here? Waiting for your turn? Tsk, get outta here” He shooed the boy.
Hongjoong then did what he was told and went back to his room.

'Oh, I'll get out of here alright' He thought.


The sky now turned into an enthralling midnight blue colour, the stars that would twinkle to make their presence known, and the sliver of light from the crescent moon seeped into Hongjoong's room. As he strained his ears to hear if his parents were fully asleep. Which they were since the boy could already hear his father's nasal snoring, and his mother's soft murmurs through their thin walls. It was now time for Hongjoong to put his plan into action.

'It's now or never' He thought to himself.

Carefully getting out of his bed, he grabbed one out of his two blankets, and placed a few clothes and the food that he managed to steal into the blanket and tying it up for him to carry. After hearing and making sure that his parents were still in fact deeply asleep, he quickly yet quietly tip-toed out of his room, down the hallway, pass the living room, and into the kitchen where a door that led to the outside resided, but there was a problem.

It was locked.

And from what Hongjoong knew, the key was most likely in his parents room. Exhaling quietly through his nose, the boy left his luggage near the door and went back towards his parents room. A good thing for him was that they didn't close their door, so Hongjoong stood still at the door way to find the key from where he stood. After squinting his eyes a couple of times to find the key, he spotted it on top of the night stand that was next to his father.

Getting down on the floor, Hongjoong started to crawl towards the night stand to obtain the key. Kneeling in front of the stand, his father suddenly snored loudly and turned to face the night stand and his hand almost hit the boy, but luckily he was far enough to miss it by a few centimeters. Not risking it by staying longer, Hongjoong swiftly grabbed the key off the stand and crawled back to the door.

Back in the kitchen, Hongjoong inserted the key to the lock and twisted it open, setting the key and lock down on the floor, he picked up his blanket of stuff and threw it over his shoulder and pushed the door wide open.

He was free, young Hongjoong was now finally free.

Making his first step outside, he suddenly heard footsteps coming near. It started to get closer and closer, so Hongjoong ran out of the house and into the dark woods, he started hearing the shouts of his parents telling him to come back. But he didn't listen, he wasn't going listen to them anymore, he wasn't going to let them control him no longer.
His wish of being free came true.

Thinking that he was finally far enough from them, he came to a halt somewhere within the woods. His breathing became heavy, his heart pounded against his chest, and his shoulder and back ached a bit from the stuff that he carried—not to mention ran with— As he continued to catch his breath, he tried looking around in the thick dark woods with the rays of the moon giving him some light.

Just as Hongjoong tried to find a path of some sort to follow. He started to hear low, deep, and possibly hungry growls. They also don't sound very far. Not wanting to become a midnight snack, he fled from his spot again but this time as he neared a clearing, he tripped.

Anyways, sorry for the long wait if any of you have read my last book, but I'm here now!🧡

The Star of My WishesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora