Chapter 8

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And it begins.

without Sam and Richie know, they naturally become friends. Richie take Sam to his house to learn Martial Arts from his Dad. Of course, Andy teach Sam everything according to the deal and become his teacher. As Yusuke said, Sam is indeed a genius. He learns faster than anyone he's ever taught. Take every lesson seriously. Never make mistake twice. For ShuYi, followed by Xin er and zheng wen. They never takes absence from pranking, disturbing both Sam and Richie. But of course, with Richie personality, he always fight back though Sam was hesitate at first. But as the times goes by, the effects of the training he's undergoing, Sam become confident. Now, He fight back without hesitation. To the point he and ShuYi threw punches each other. Their face bruises almost everyday. Whenever ShuYi test him, he would answer confidently and ShuYi would mock him if he can't answer,then he'd back with right answer the next day.

Then 1 years passed since their first meeting.


6th grade

It’s been one half year of ShiDe dealing with Zhou ShuYi whim and he can even fight back by himself now. He's pretty much proud of himself. He's always rank 1 in the school which definitely the thing ShuYi hate the most, he improve drastically in sports where he used to be a weakling, his mom got a stable job in an international company and soon she plans to make her own company. Now no one dare to bully him, make fun of him. He also has a lot of friends.

God must have pity my life. Thank God. Sam said extremely grateful.

"Gao Shi De" He turned to Richie who had called him, his new close friend

Richie, panting, gave him a smile "Look at this!!!" He shove a magazine to Gao Shi De. Shi De narrows his eyes at him, then at the magazine in his hands.

"Aih!!!! Look! Who's in the cover? It's Zhou Shu Yi!!! Zhou Shu Yi!! Your mate.. eh I mean your enemy!!!!! It's said he signed contract with famous designer!" He announced proudly

Gao Shi De starts flipping through the pages, his eyebrows rising upwards and disappearing behind his bangs. "Seriously? I highly doubt that"

"Listen to me," Richie said in a supportable way. He put his hands on Sam shoulders and stared with his brown eyes, "you said you're tired of his pranks, right? Yeah me too!!! Now he's become model in a famous one! Y'know what it means? He'll be quiet busy cuz I heard the magazine rank raise because of him!! He's a rising stars!! he won't be at school that often!!! No pranks! No one disturb us! You're free!!!!!!!! We are free!!! It's a freedom!!! HELL YEAHHHHH" Richie shouted. 

Sam forced a smile. "Yeah, what a great surprise" he muttered holding back the sarcasm as much he could.

"You don't look that happy though?" Richard looked at him confused .

Sam seemed literally shocked "it's not that I'm unhappy! You know, it's just shocking. He always disturb us without absence. He even went to your home to pranks us. Like .. everyday and everywhere for more than a year! With his personality, I .. doubt he's gonna stop though" the voice charged of what appeared to be anxiety.

"No way" Richard muttered between his teeth. "W-wait?!! That's true! He won't stop! But .. but.. he's a public figure now! He won't do it right? Right?" He tried to convince himself.

The two boys looked at each other upset. "DAMN IT! my life is basically a living hell because of those dorks! Their pranks.. their pranks always on another level i almost can't take it! Shit!!!!! I thought we'd free!" Richard exhales tiredly, frustrated.

Sam pats Richie's shoulder, the bell rings. “Better hurry up. You don’t want to be late for class, mister chief of class" he jokes.

There's a scoff. "Just how could you endure it?! Let's go."

There's a pause, a shuffle, Then Sam mumbles, "I don't know." It's just happened. Their pranks won't be that bad, right?. Sam thought which completely wrong.


Sam can't denied, ShuYi indeed the one who help him for the first time when no one does. He's grateful. He tried not to think about the years ShuYi always get on his nerves as he tries to put up a smile and positive attitude.

Ever since he becomes a model, he indeed comes to school 4 times a week. But the level of his pranks increase significantly, his questions are way out of students league, he always use sports subject either to relief his stress by fighting him for real or test how much he can dodge or hit ShuYi pretty face. He had tripped his feet and insulted him, which make them fight on the spot to the point the teachers have to intervene. ShuYi, he made sure to let all of whole school know that Sam is his target.

It's almost 2 years. My school life .. it feels like much worse than when being bullied by Gabriel.

And it’s all because of him.

Zhou Shu Yi. The bane of His existence.

"Fuck with that grateful!! He did helped me but he also make it worst. Damn. I can't even concentrate these day cuz he keeps budging me non stop" Sam pulls his hair frustrated.

Everyone was already giving Sam pity looks but he ignored them as his eyes glare at ShuYi who's laughing with his friends happily.

“Hey Gao Shi De!” ShuYi waved at him  happily. If look can kill then ShuYi must have already died.

'yeah.. let's ignore it all. I don't give a shit anymore. I'll show him who's more superior' sam thought as he turned around. ShuYi looks confused.

"Aiyahh! I told you many times you overdo it, young master!!!!!!" Zheng Wen said. "Who's gonna withstand for being pranked ever single day"

Xin er shrugged, "you enjoyed it though. You laugh so hard whenever we did it"

"W-whatttt? When did I? I didn't!!!"

"Whatever." Xin er rolls his eyes and pushes past him.

"Anyway!" interrupts ShuYi. "It's all for training his mentality, patience, and how he can overcome it. He'll get it worst in the future"

Zhen Wen doesn’t look impressed. He crosses his arms and gives ShuYi another one of his looks. The, “I’m judging you so hard right now,” look.
"I don't know anymore whether you like him or you try to act like his guardian angel" He doesn't hesitate to voice his opinion on the matter.

ShuYi smirk widens into a sharp and wicked grin.


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