Chapter 6 -

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"Please Let Me Go!!! What did I do?!" A man in a sharp suit yells, climbing out of a black car. Looking towards another man in a dark green suit with golden hair tied back into a short ponytail.

"You seem to be doing well, business must 'ave been good 'ay?" He says as he approaches the other man, with three other men trailing him, faces blank and emotionless.

"seems like we're too lenient for someone like you" The guy smiled sharply, adjusting his suit. "I assume you have the payment... for your false report. Mr. Andy Lau. Ah.. give him a little beating before we send him to young master" He trails off, without waiting for Andy Lau to respond, waving his hand for emphasis.

"No no no no!!!! I didn't give false report! I did nothing wrong!!! Let me go!!!!" He crawls onto Daichi knees, slowly and tiredly. He musters all the energy he has to scream,

"aaron, please take our ...guests to his special room." daichi smirk.

Before Andy could respond, Aaron speaks for the first time. "Yeah it would be good to have a fresh punching bag, 'got some new tools I want to try 'out on a few people..." He says in his usual monotone voice with his words trailing off. His cold eyes are sinking into Andy's head.

"No no no no!!!!!! I'm sorry!!! Let me go!" Andy shouted as he's dragged.


Andy wakes up to being shaken awake. "richie, dady sleepy ..."

Belle laughs, "aiyahh. This fucker really does Dady complex" Wait...They aren't his richie.

Andy's memories of the trade hit him like a train.

His eyes frantically shoot open and he sees Daichi - Zack, belle the witch - and lastly a young boy who's sipping his drink while looking at him coldly. He flinches away from him - away from one of his future killers - to the corner of wall.

"Why the long face?" The young boy chuckles, unaware of the fear he's planted in the older man.

"I-I'm so s-sorry Young master Yusuke." He hiccups, tears still running down his cheeks. "I tried to write what I saw - I tried I really did. I was just s-so b-busy"

Andy's words become faster and faster, he's gulping for air now. "I d-didn't think that the report I gave was wrong. I didn't want that to happen! I didn't mean for this to happen, I didn't mean to! I'm s-so sorry. Please forgive me Young Master I'm sorr-"

"So, Andy-san," Yusuke bent down and lifted the man by his throat, dragging him to his knees as he gaped, "Not only you're a spy sent by my uncle to watch my every movement, but you even neglected the only task I gave to watch over 1 boy and 1 woman. What was it again? 'They are doing well you said?" As YU tighten his grip. "It only took me a few hours to realize something's wrong with him, does he looks fine in your eyes? Being bullied? Pranked? Humiliated? His mother doesn't even have a job and have to beg to other so they can eat!! They had so many bruises too!" YU's voice becoming louder and more venomous by the second.

"That's a shame," YU sighed, leaning back in his seat, the creaking filling the room as they other employees eyes were cast to the table or skillfully avoiding YU's eyes. "That's an awfully long list of crimes against our family, wouldn't you say?"

The man, of course, was unable to respond, mumbling fruitlessly against the gag in his mouth. Still, YU spoke, voice empty, "I'd say that that is an awful lot. There's a lot of trust there that has been broken.What do you think the punishment is, Zack, for the offenses?"

"Death." Zack voice sounded hollow even to his own ears.

Yusuke stared into the dark black eyes, shrouded in tears, face flushed. Curly hair was matted and wet and the gag in his mouth kept him from speaking, though there was an unmistakable pleading there. The man hadn't given up. Andy's eyes meet emotionless brown ones. His mind is a mess and he starts sobbing.

I'm going to die. I'm going to die. Oh my god, Richie, Lea I'm sorry-

Yusuke hummed in agreement, "Right. it should be death punishment" Yu spoke, voice low, "but, lucky you. I made a deal with my uncle. He'll be furious if his subordinate die, isn't he? So I won't kill you"

"Then let's find other punishment," YU starts. "What do we do now?" Daichi turns to him with warm eyes. The cool, emotionless facade fading away. "here's the report, young master." as he gave a document.

Yusuke nodded slowly, eyes hooding, and for the first time since meeting him, YU's expression was entirely genuine, "No wonder you neglected your job. This Richie boy is quite smart. Intuitive. Bold. black belt Taekwondo. Oh he's also very righteous. I like it. Seems you're son is awesome unlike his Dady. Then, as your punishment I want you to send Richie to my school. He'll help sammy for sure for being bullied. And you'll be their mentors. Teach him to overcome his trauma, teach him martial arts, laws, economics, everything. I heard your quite smart, ain't ya?. So, What's your decision, Andy-san?"

Andy shuts his eyes. Then opens them. Then shuts them. Then opens them again.

Yusuke, the Blood God . A Young boy who has silently killed uncountable people in the cruellest ways is standing in front of him. With messy hair tied up into a bun, his glasses sitting unevenly on his face. Wearing fucking pink pig pyjama's.

This is what he's going to use to torture Me? Is he fucking serious? Involved my kid to this bloody war?' Andy thinks.

"Oh you don't have to worry about Richie Unlike his Dady. He's reliable. He'll be sammy's shield for sure and you'll do your job. Ofc, Richie won't know about our deal and His Dady incompetent." Yusuke huffs. "So, what's your decision?" He pulls out a chair and sits down, as Aaron pull out his gag.

Andy clears his throat, "I-I won't disappoint you, young master" With shaky legs, Andy stands up and bow 90° "Thank you for your generous punishment, young master"

"Then," YU starts, giving a dark chuckle. "I'll check your progress by bullying sammy. I'll test how he fights, self-defense, knowledge, everything. I hope you do your work well, Andy-san. This is your last chance" His voice thick with Warning.

Zack looked at YU oddly. "Dude, isn't it'll make him hate you?" he asked.

Yusuke just shrugged "he's supposed to hate me anyway and he'll be in the future. What's the difference?"

Zack still doesn't look pleased but at least he nods as his dad Daichi lets out a sigh. "Then I'll take care sam's mother"

"I appreciate it," Yu said softly,
A ragged sigh escaped Yusuke's lips and his head fell back onto the soft leather sofa behind him. He ran his hands through his hair again, pressing his fingers into his temples and closing his eyes. Pathetic. There is no helping a person like me , Yusuke thought as the pain and guilt enveloped him whole.

Yusuke and sam will have a strange relationship right now, he knew and was willing to give as much time as he needed-despite him being barely able to contain himself at the thought that sammy was here, with him... actually here, not in his dreams, not in his daydreams but here with him. Being here meant that he could help in any way. And he was prepared to.

He would do anything for his sammy.

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