Chapter 7 -

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Sam could tell it wasn't his day today.
His mum had woken him up before his alarm was due to go off and they had ran out of hot water so a relaxing shower wasn't an option. The last of the bread had passed it expiration date so breakfast was off the table as well. To top it off, it was raining outside and Sam couldn't find the sodding umbrella. At least his uniform wasn't awfully creased for once.

The rain had let up a bit, but he persisted in using his bag as a means of shelter if not to save his hair, which had been styled in a quiff which was, admittedly, falling apart rather quickly.

By the time he arrived at school, his shirt was a fair amount damp but hair still miraculously dry. He ran blindly down the hall towards where he hoped, gabriel and his followers won't be there. But yeah, he's always been unlucky. Cas, Gabriel and others are standing in front of locker.

"There you go, asshole Gao Shi De! Just because yesterday you were lucky today won't be the same. Look at this fucking' bruises! I'mma kill you." Cas yells at Gao Shi De.

"Cas, go to your class. We will be late otherwise" Gabriel's face turns red from embarrassment. Cas was going to protest but Gabriel's eyes was so scary then he left. Sam feels pride in himself. He made those two brothers embarrassed.

Sam was snapped out of his daze to see Changyi his desk mate gesturing to a seat, second row from the front and by the window. He sighed with reluctance, sparing his mates one last look of defiance as he walked over to the desk, sitting himself down and taking out a pen, then letting himself space out.

"Gao shi de" The voice came from directly behind him.


"Gao Shi De!!!!!"


"Hey Gao Shi De!!! Are you deaf???!!!!"

"n-no" Sam flinched. The voice unique Chinese accent that He would recognise. Sam was filled with a swirl of various emotions: grateful, scared. Zhou Shu Yi. He's with Fang Zen Wen and Xin Lin We.

"Ey, what's with you? Did they disturb you again?" as Shu Yi glares at Cassy who's automatically hides under his desk.

"Sorry I, just been a bit preoccupied and that." The reply was vague and the three of them stared at Sam to continue. "they didn't disturb me"

"That's good! You're mine to bully anyways," he responded flatly. His face turned stoic, scanning Sam with his eyes from head to toe.

Sam gulped "Wh- what do you want?," you replied defensively

"I heard you're the most genius in this class! You're rank first in whole school! That's awesome!" Shu Yi beam excitedly. "But y'know what? I'm quite ambitious person. I don't like others standing above me" He smirks. What sounded lovely in the beginning quickly changed. The boy's tone switched so fast, He had an incredibly dark voice that was automatically stored inside your brain.

"That's right, little twerk." Add xin er

Sam jaw dropped, and before He wanted to speak up, the teacher comes. He let out a short deep breath as he turned around and greeted the teacher. As he introduced new transfer students.

Damn, he really must hate me. Is it another type of bully? He curses.


When the bell rang, the light bulb in his head turned off.

Sam first plan was to pack his stuff, put on his hat and get the hell out of the classroom asap.

He got up, glanced at Zhou Shu Yi one last time, and headed to the door.

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