1.2 - Ignore

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I woke up the next morning with the huge grumbled expression on my face. I'm annoyed with all of the boys. I'm just trying to help and they will say that I had done the worst thing ever? Tell me I'm overreacting but I'm just really this way, I overact easily.

"What's up with you?" My mom chuckled as she put the plate in front of me and I rolled my eyes.


"Nothing?" She mocked me. "Then why are you looking so irritated this early morning?"

"It's just my friends." I sighed, "Not that much important of a topic."

"Okay." Mom gave up and she just gave me a glass of water. "Oh, Michael called on our phone by the way, I tried knocking on your door and you didn't reply, so I told him you're already asleep."

"I am." I lied.

I'm wide awake last night, I slept for like 2 am. I'm annoyed to all of them so I had a movie marathon all by myself and ate snacks.

"He sounded...worried. Plus, you're already asleep that time? He called for like 7 pm, I think?"

"I'm exhausted, we had, uhm, a race and some silly plays at school." I, once again, lied.

Wow, I sounded like a middle school girl. Race? Stupid plays? Good thing mom was quite convinced of the lie.

"Thanks mom, I gotta go." I smiled giving her a short kiss on the cheek. She nodded and waved as I ran to the front door.

I peeked on the door and Michael is nowhere to be seen, neither the other boys.

I silently made me way to the bus stop, hoping the bus would be here any second.

"Casper?" I heard someone spoke behind me, I turned and saw Ashton.

He didn't said anything yesterday so he's not counted and I'm not mad at him.

"Hi Ash." I greeted and he walked to my side. "It's the first time I saw you here."

"I live around the corner." He informed and I nodded. "The boys been bothering me last night and begging me to ask you if you're mad at them."

"I'm mad at them." I huffed.

"They're sorry," he chuckled slightly.

"Why don't they tell it themselves?" I rolled my eyes.

"They don't want to be around you at the moment knowing you're mad at them." He laughed, throwing his head back as he did.

"Well it's their choice." I crossed my arms. "I will not be mad if they stop being so immature and not judge my movements and decisions."

"I don't even know why they are mad at Amanda but they said she's a bitch."

"They're just assholes." I stated and Ashton let out a low chuckle.

"I kind of agree to that statement."

"It's true." I smiled.

The bus finally came and I sighed in relief, pulling Ashton to the direction of the bus.


ashper, ship or sink?

dedicated to cake_be_Yummy bc she added my stories to her reading list what a sweetheart <3

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