Chapter 10

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Noah was right

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Noah was right. I am exhausted. My steps are small, and it is as if he is dragging me by the hand.

The pool house is too far.

As if he could sense my inner thoughts, Noah sweeps me off of my feet. His arm hooks under my legs, giving me the perfect opportunity to nuzzle into his chest.

"Just think, in a couple of months, I'll be too big for you to carry," I mumble as I make myself comfortable.

"I can't wait."

When my head snaps up, Noah looks at me with his dazzling gaze and a smile pulling at his lips.

"Are you sure about that?" I ask.

Noah stays silent as he opens the door. He carries me to my bed, and when he lays me down, he places a tender kiss on my lips. "I have something for you."

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a blue velvet box.

I shoot up, my adrenaline pumps, pushing my tiredness to the side. "Noah. What are you doing?

Noah waves me off with a smile. "It's not what you think." The pounding in my chest slows down to a bearable tempo. My muscles begin to relax when Noah looks down as calloused hand traces along my fingers. "I'm hoping what is in this box puts your mind at ease. It's proof that my loyalty is to you, Gavin, and that little Jellybean you're growing."


"I'm serious, Annie. I told you from the beginning that I will be as involved in the kid's lives as you want. I will follow your lead, but I need you to know, to understand that I am ready for it all." My body begins to tremble when Noah opens the box. "This was my mom's wedding band. And I want you to have it."

Noah takes the band covered in diamonds and places it on my right hand's ring finger. "Every time you look at this, I want you to remember that you have my heart completely."

The rays of light bring the diamonds to life. They glisten in all their glory, and I am taken back by their beauty.

Tears pool in my eyes, knowing that this ring once sat on his mother's finger. "Noah, I don't know what to say."

Noah begins to play with the ring, twisting it around and around. "Say that you will be my girlfriend. Say that you will be mine."

As if my legs have springs in them, I jump on Noah. He falls backward on the bed, and I take the opportunity to pepper kisses all over his face. "Yes. Yes, I'll be your girlfriend.

Noah grabs my face, holding my cheeks in his hands. His blue eyes shine brightly, only to be rivaled by his incredible smile. "Yeah?"


Electricity courses through my body when Noah captures my lips with his. He rolls me over and continues to spoil me with love.

His tongue sweeps and swirls in my mouth, sending jolts of pleasure to my core. When he works his way down my jaw and lands at my exposed skin above my breast, I nearly come undone.

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