Chapter 4

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Twenty-four hours

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Twenty-four hours.

Twenty-four hours since I last saw Annie, and twenty-four hours since I heard her gut-wrenching cry.

Last night my dreams were haunted knowing I was the reason for her sobs. No one has ever had a hold on me like this, and the way she has been making me feel the past few days is new.

My job keeps me traveling most of the year, and for the first time, I'm not excited to play.

I don't want to leave Annie.

I'm not going to lie. I had to adjust myself when I first saw her at Asher and Daniella's wedding. She's always been a beautiful woman, but the way her black dress clung to her voluptuous body had my jaw on the ground.

Another new feeling.

I continue to aimlessly stare up at my ceiling with a baseball in my hand. Thanks to the mindless action of repeatedly throwing and catching the ball, time ceases to exist. It seems to be the only thing that is stopping my racing mind.

My phone chimes, and I jump up, praying it's Annie. My stomach drops when I see it is another message from Meghan, asking to get together.

No thank you.

Being back home wasn't supposed to be this difficult. Go to a wedding, catch up with old friends, then head off to Florida for Spring Training. Nowhere was developing confusing feelings for an old friend on my radar.

My mind continues to run a mile a minute, Annie consuming every second. Everything about her ignites something deep within, and no matter how hard I try, I can't comprehend it.

I'm not too fond of this sudden distance between us. All I want to do is run back to her, wrap her in my arms, and never let go.

She belongs with me.

"Fucking, hell," I mumble to myself.

I grab my phone and type out a quick message to the only person who can help me work through this mess– Shane.

I walk out of my childhood home without waiting for a response. I'm sure Dad of the year is doing something with the kids or something. Plus, hanging out with my niece and nephew will help to take my mind off Annie.

Or remind you of Gavin.

The drive is short since Shane and Heather moved to our hometown after college. Before I can even close my car's door, I hear loud screeches and high-pitched voices. "Uncle Noah!"

I can only assume that only one name could make me feel like I am on top of the world, and that is Dad. Uncle is a close second. My heart fills with an indescribable love as I scoop up Jackson and Ava, Shane's three-year-old twins.

They pepper kisses around my face, and Ava's angelic giggle causes my own to erupt. "Your face is scratchy, Uncle Noah."

"I'm sorry, Sweetheart. I'll make sure to shave before I come over next time."

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