Chapter 3

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"Okay, hold on a minute," My best friend Tyla says as she points her finger at her phone's camera

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"Okay, hold on a minute," My best friend Tyla says as she points her finger at her phone's camera. "You're telling me that Noah watched Gavin."

A lungful of air pushes through my lips, and my usual bubbly voice comes out monotone. "Yes."

"While you slept."

"Shit, Ty. Don't make me feel worse than I already do." When I look at my computer screen, her dark brown eyes sparkle with mischief. My head shakes because I know that she is reading too much into this. I can tell just by the look on her face. "I slept for about five hours. He must have thought I was taking advantage of his kindness."

Tyla's lips purse together while her eyes stay glued to her screen. "Did he say that?"


"Then don't worry about it." She says as she waves off my concern. "It's no wonder he's America's golden boy."

I still find it hard to believe that anyone looks at him as anyone but Noah Buckman, the guy who cried at the ending of Toy Story 3. "Come on, you know I don't see him like that."

Ty's face deadpans, and she stares at me like she is questioning my sanity. "Sure."

I go to change the subject but am quickly cut off. "Hell," She starts again. "If I wasn't happily married and a lesbian, he would be at the top of my to-do list."

Being the theatrical queen she is, she adds to her dramatics by fanning her face. I can't help but scoff at her ridiculousness, which only causes her to burst out in a fit of laughter.

Thankfully, she is cut short by a knock at my door.

"Come in!" I yell.

Speak of the devil.

As if he could sense I was talking about him, Noah peaks his head around the open door. His smile is so broad, perfect white teeth almost blind me. He pulls off his baseball cap and runs his fingers through his golden tousles.

He is definitely handsome. I'll give him that.

The corners of my lips pull upwards to the point my cheeks ache. I was expecting it to be my mom or even Charles, so this is a pleasant surprise. "Hey, Noah."

I hear the sound of someone choking, and when I look down at my computer screen, I see Ty coughing on her drink. Her eyes connect with mine, and she starts to wiggle her eyebrows and shimmies her chest. Just as I am about to flip her off, Noah comes over and kisses my forehead, "Hello, Sunshine. How are you feeling today?"


I don't want him to think I'm overdramatic, so I answer with, "I'd say that the nausea is at a solid eight today. Haven't thrown up, so that's a win."

My hands make their way above my head, and I do a celebratory dance. Noah is quick to give me a high five and join in my mini party.

Our celebration is cut short by Tyla's loud voice. "Aw! You guys are the cutest."

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