Chapter 9

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Three adorable children fill the house with their contagious laughter

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Three adorable children fill the house with their contagious laughter.

Heather came over with the twins for lunch, and of course, my mother had to spoil them with treats.

Ava and Jackson have introduced Gavin to the game, "Tag." They are currently sprinting around the living room coffee table as if it's a race track.

I'd like to say that the children were the only ones running around like complete knuckleheads, but Noah has joined in on the fun. His laughs are just as loud as the kids, but his smile is shining brighter.

He might be a superstar on the baseball field, but he is in his element when around kids.

I lean against the doorframe and watch in awe as Ava jumps from the couch straight into Noah's arms. Jackson and Gavin hold on to each of his legs trying to slow him down. He pretends to struggle, falling gently to the ground in defeat. I can't help but release a chuckle when the kids begin to tickle him. Noah's eyes glisten as he tries to fight off their attacks, and my heart swells.

Heather comes to my side and nudges my shoulder. "You both seem really happy."

If you asked me a few weeks ago if I would be ready to open my heart again, I would think you were nuts. I was surrounded by sadness, never able to see the bright side of the situation. I'm finally able to breathe, knowing that the sun is finally coming out and shining its bright rays onto my life.

When I turn to Heather, she is sporting a smile so wide the corner of her eyes crinkle. My lips begin to pull upwards, unable to contain my joy. "This all came out of left field, but I'm thrilled it did."

"He's a good man, Annie. I know he will treat you and Gavin right."

Her words wrap my body in warmth, sending love straight to my heart. "I know."

"Why don't you let me watch Gavin for the afternoon," She suggests. "It will give you two some time alone."

My head cocks back, and I look at her as if she is crazy. "I can't ask you to do that. Three kids are a lot."

Heather throws her head back and releases an infectious laugh. "My house is already a zoo, what's one more?"

I would love to have some quality time with Noah, especially since he leaves in a few days. Images of having Noah all to myself flash in my mind, and her offer is too good to give up. "Are you sure?"


Heather claps her hands together to get Ava and Jackson's attention. "Come on, my loony tunes. We're heading home." Their faces fall, and Jackson stomps his foot in protest. Heather holds out her hand and gives him a stern look.

I need to learn how to do that.

"Jackson, if you continue to act like that, Gavin won't be able to come with us."

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