She started brushing her teeth thoroughly, glad that the morning sickness would be no longer haunting her as time wore on. She wasn't sure how much longer she could hide it. She'd been trying to think when to break the news to him and no matter the time of day, it all seemed so wrong. She just couldn't figure out an easy way to break it to him without possibly upsetting him.

She spit the contents out of her mouth into the sink and turned the faucet on. She waited a moment before turning it off and setting aside her toothbrush. She decided to crawl back under the safety of the covers until she would go retrieve his empty tray so he could continue his work without having dishes in his way.

~ ~ ~

She knocked lightly and entered his study, satisfied to find that he had eaten everything. She had thought it kind of silly but also kind of cute that he never could seem to remember when to get food for himself. She picked up the tray and headed to the door. He mumbled something about the breakfast being good and how busy he was before she left, always to make sure that he knew she was listening.

When she got to the kitchens she passed the empty tray to one of the cooks who just smiled and bowed before making it disappear to be washed. She felt an unpleasant churn in her stomach but managed to keep from dry heaving before leaving the room. She had a hand pressed to her stomach which was a bit pudgy from the weight gain caused by the baby. It wasn't that noticeable yet unless she wearing skin tight clothing but that extremely rare.

"Mrs. Ootori, you have a guest. I believe it is Mrs. Suoh," said the butler as he blocked her path from heading to the expansive library they had in the mansion. She nodded and headed to the front door and greeted Haruhi with a smile.

"I'm sorry to drop by unexpectedly but I felt like we should go do something. Tamaki is away on a trip and you've been hiding yourself here since you got married. Besides, we haven't done anything in a while anyways," she said with a smile. She was dressed in jeans and a simple shirt too.

Hisoka pondered the idea and decided that talking to Haruhi would make her feel better. Besides, Haruhi had grown on her since they had been friends. She invited her in and led her up to the library. She didn't want to leave, considering that she didn't want to leave Kyoya without someone to give him lunch when he needed it most. Mainly just because she wanted to do it herself.

They sat down on some comfortable couches in the back of the extensive room, hidden from the door. Hisoka sighed, glad to be off her feet again. Haruhi sat opposite of her and looked around, shaking her head slightly. "I still can't get used to all this rich stuff. Even after being with Tamaki for over a year," she said before turning her attention back to Hisoka.

"Things haven't changed between you two, have they," she said with a slightly disappointed sigh. Even though Haruhi was clueless when it came to her own love life, she noticed a lot about other people and their own relationships. She just happened to know a lot about Kyoya and Hisoka's, mainly form what Hisoka had shared with her.

Hisoka blushed and shook her head. "I've given him space but I'm still there for him. Nothing seems to be working..."

"How many times have I got to tell you that you must tell him how you feel! You're never going to get anywhere by being quiet and not taking action," Haruhi said, folding her arms and leaning back into the couch.

"I can't do that...I don't want to hear him tell me he'll never return those feelings for me again...I still have hope and I don't want to lose that. Besides, the conversation would only upset him and I don't want to do that either," she protested.

Haruhi shook her head, knowing she'd never win. "Come on 'Soka, you've been in love with him for years. You've put up with his attitude and working behaviors for months. You deserve to tell him how you feel."

Hisoka shook her head. "You know I won't do it. I'll just win him over, little by little...but hopefully soon enough."

"It's not going to happen unless you do something. Even though he is the smartest guy I know, he's been pretty oblivious to his own love life. However, I sometimes think it's on purpose. Probably because he doesn't know what to do about it," Haruhi said, muttering the last part. Kyoya was amazingly intelligent, but when it came to other people and their emotions, including his own, he never seemed quite sure what to do.

"Haruhi...I have to tell you something that I haven't told anyone else, even the staff aren't aware," Hisoka said in a soft voice. She clutched her upset stomach and focused on an expensive rug on the floor. "I'm pregnant."

Haruhi was definitely in shock. One, because she thought Kyoya would have used means of protection, and two, because she didn't think this sort of thing would happen to the quiet 'Soka she knew. "And how do you plan on telling him?"

Hisoka shrugged uncomfortably, "I just don't know."

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