All I Need

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~!~ Day two of the Good Omens Celebration!! Today's prompt was Tragedy. I forgot to add the link yesterday, but here is a link to all of the prompts: 

Or, you can just search for Good Omens Celebration on Tumblr. I hope you enjoy today's story!! ~!~

Aziraphale was gradually pulled out of the depths of sleep and back into the waking world by the sounds of Crowley grumbling. They were wriggling around on the bed rather exaggeratedly.

Aziraphale opened his eyes groggily and took in the sight of Crowley's head of messy red hair moving near his face. He instinctively reached out and placed a gentle hand on their arm. Their movements stilled instantly.

"Sorry," he heard them murmur, their voice rough with sleep. "Didn't mean to wake you."

"'S alright," he replied, his own voice sounding husky. "Wha's wrong?"

"Hrrrmmph. Snowed."

"How horrid," Aziraphale responded, pulling Crowley closer to him.

"It is. Can't believe it's bloody winter already," Crowley hissed.

A smile spread across Aziraphale's face. "Darling, it's only October."

"What difference does that make?"

"You know as well as I do that it's not winter yet. This snow will probably melt within a day or two," he comforted, gently scratching Crowley's scalp.

"Doesn't make it any less cold. Doesn't unfreeze plant leaves. Doesn't make the roads less slippery," they refuted his point without much vehemence, instead, melting into him with a content sigh.

"I'm sure it doesn't," Aziraphale replied, half-heartedly agreeing with Crowley's pessimism, before brushing the hair away from the nape of their neck to place a tender kiss there.

"Mmmmm 'n what if-" Crowley sighed again as Aziraphale began to trail kisses from their neck to their shoulder. "What if it snows more? What if it gets too cold for me to even get out of bed?"

"Well, that would be a real tragedy," Aziraphale mumbled into their shoulder. "And what if it got so cold that I had to stay in bed at all times as well because you needed my body heat with you to survive?" he smiled against their skin and squeezed them as he mentioned body heat.

"Hnnng- angel- I know you're joking, but- what if that really did happen? What would you do? Just- lie in bed all day with my frozen, snakey arse-"

"I would never let you freeze, love."

"What if you had to stay in bed with me and you couldn't even get up to eat?"

"Crowley... That's not going to happen," Aziraphale said, realizing Crowley may have been beginning to get a little too invested in these hypothetical scenarios. "And if that were to happen," he continued, "I would be perfectly content. I have all I need right here, dearest," he planted a delicate kiss in the tendrils of their unkempt hair.

They sighed, and Aziraphale felt their previously tense body relaxing completely against his. "I s'pose you're right," they murmured.

Aziraphale only hummed in response. He continued to play with Crowley's hair for a sizable stretch of time while a bout of content silence overtook them.

Soon enough, the demon's breathing slowed and Aziraphale assumed they'd drifted back to sleep. He smiled to himself. He knew how much they enjoyed sleeping and he was delighted to be able to share this moment with them. He wiggled happily as he contemplated this.

Then, his thoughts drifted back to their previous conversation. He and Crowley were both still a bit prone to having doubts. Perhaps he should have soothed them more. He sighed. He knew they wouldn't hear him, due to their asleep state, but to calm his own nerves he whispered, "I have you. You're all I need."

"Mmph. I know, angel," they replied. Aziraphale's fingers in their hair froze. "'N. You too. Vise versa. I- you're everything to me," they affirmed quietly.

"Oh, Crowley-" Aziraphale said, emotion filling his voice as he pulled them impossibly closer to him. He sprinkled kisses on every part of them he could reach.

Crowley giggled sleepily.

Seeing as there was no one around them to stand in the way of their cuddling, and in both of their opinions it was one of the better ways to spend a cold day, the next few hours continued with much of the same. They were together and they were happy. Because when you're in love, all you need is your person. Or, in this case, your person-shaped entity.

The End.

~!~ Yayyyyy! I hope you enjoyed that. If you have anything to say please leave a comment, I'd love to hear from you! If not, you can vote and I will also be grateful. And if you don't want to do either of those, I'd still like to thank you for reading!!!! You are great :) <3

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