Sculpted Longing

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Existing as an immortal being for all of one's life came with many interesting side effects that would not be immediately obvious to humans trying to imagine the situation. For example, not many humans would have thought of how often an immortal being would recognize the subjects of art pieces in museums.

It wasn't as though one would recognize every person, not even close, but if one was a fan of many of the artists and subsequently opted to hang about with the artist's friends then they often had met these people personally.

And, if one happened to have another immortal being in their life who also had an affinity for the arts, that particular person would probably crop up all over museums! This was Aziraphale's situation. He knew his friend Crowley had posed for many artists in his long, long life, so it wasn't exactly surprising when he saw pieces of him in galleries. However, his lack of shock did not equate to a lack of excitement.

So, today, when he recognized a familiar head and shoulders in the form of a marble bust, he tried to have the fact that he was speed walking over to the sculpture stay relatively discrete.

When he arrived at his destination, he stood and stared in wonder for a few moments. It looks quite like him, he thought. He wanted to get a closer look at all of the details of his face that had been carved out of marble, so he turned off the security alarms with a thought and leaned in.

He had immediately noticed the snake sigil that had been carved exceptionally accurately into the side of his face. He gave a quick nod after studying it sufficiently. His gaze then shifted to his nose, which was as beautifully curved on this sculpture as it was in real life. He blew out a gentle breath of astonishment before his eyes moved once more, this time being met by a marble stare.

The sculpture's eyes had irises but not pupils, but this fact did not take away from their alluring gaze. Aziraphale supposed the lack of pupils made sense, actually, since many humans may have found Crowley's vertically slit pupils to be unnerving. Aziraphale had no such qualms himself, he rather thought Crowley's eyes were the most gorgeous pair he had ever seen. Not that he'd ever tell him that.

The demon looked so smug here. Like he had just completed a temptation that he was particularly proud of. Aziraphale's eyebrows rose as he considered that might truly be the case. He may just have to question Crowley about that possibility the next time their paths crossed.

Next, his eyes traveled down, landing on his lips. Aziraphale licked his own lips subconsciously. How someone could make marble look so soft, he'd never understand. He quickly began to feel heat creeping up his neck. His eyes snapped back to Crowley's, hoping this would slow the punishing pace of his pounding heart. This did not help, in fact, it may have made it worse. Aziraphale felt himself blushing, felt the heat crawling across his skin, as hot as Hellfire. And yet, he could not bring himself to look away. Crowley was just enchanting like that. The artist had certainly captured his essence.

Aziraphale's hand began to raise of its own accord, reaching out to stroke what had to be Crowley's soft luscious locks and certainly was not just marble that had been made to look like them. But perhaps the fact that it was only marble was what was unwittingly giving Aziraphale this courage.

Just as his fingertips were about to stroke the hair a security guard called out, "Sir!" She bolted over and pulled his arm away. "You mustn't touch the artwork, sir!"

"Oh, goodness me! Terribly sorry, dear, I don't know what came over me," Aziraphale apologized, feeling a bit flushed.

"'S alright," she said, eyeing him suspiciously before walking away, mumbling something about how their alarm system was faulty.

Aziraphale gave one last longing glance at the bust - that lasted for longer than would be comfortable if this was actually Crowley - before tearing his eyes away and resolutely walking into another room of the museum without looking back. 


Hi! This was actually inspired by a fanart of Aziraphale looking at a bust of Crowley but I can't find it again! And I don't know who the artist was! I wish you all could see it (because it was GORGEOUS) and that the artist could have due credit for inspiring me :( I hope you liked it nonetheless. Thank you very much for reading! <3

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