Chapter 17- master, we're being followed

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(A/N: sorry for the wayyyy late update, I spent my summer break in another state living with a friend. I planed to post when I got back but I ended up getting a job and school started back up, plus I've been sleeping a lot more lately. to be honest I don't know how consistent I'm gonna be able to be considering I also want to start a new story but I'll try to post at least once a month. Also! I haven't written anything in 4 months so I hope my skills didn't get worse!)

Hoshi's POV:

Just as Nobunaga was about to attack Shalnark and Franklin stopped him

"MOVE!" Nobunaga yelled

"Hold on a minutes, lets hear what he has to say." Franklin tried to calm him down, if master wasn't patting my head I'd kill Hisoka my self!

"are you kidding!? what's there to say!?" Nobunaga asked

"Just calm down ok? remember what the boss said, there are ways to avoid the fortune" Shalnark tried to reason

"Hisoka, Explain to us what happened this week" Franklin demanded

"I can not, all that I can tell you is that the first poem is true" Hisoka said "nothing more I'm afraid."

"you hear that!? MOVE!" Nobunaga yelled

"wait not just yet" Franklin said

"Hisoka, why cant you say?" Shalnark asked

"because telling is the same as telling you what I can not, so I say nothing" Hisoka didn't even look up from his cards 

"how does that make sense?" I mumbled confused, Master smiled and continued to pet my hair. he put my head in his lap and I took that as my que to sleep until he woke me.
(honestly I just didn't want to continue writing their conversation)

*~Some time later~*

Hoshi's POV:

I felt a tap on my forehead and woke up, I noticed no one fighting anymore. 'it seems Hisoka was deemed innocent... I'm sorry master but I wont trust him, if he tries anything he's dead.' everything was quiet, it was still stormy, I like rainy weather, it feels calming. as I sat up master stood and began to make orders. 

"now lets split into groups, that's how we'll operate for the next week" master placed his hand on my head "make absolute sure you're never alone. Shizuku, Pakunoda and Machi. Kortopi, phinks and Feitan. Nobunaga, Shalnark and hoshi are with me. lastly Hisoka, Franklin and Bonolenov stay here" after master stopped speaking Machi mentioned something about some kids and Nobunaga got excited saying we should recruit them "what do you mean?" master asked, Nobunaga explained the kids to him.

"does that mean I'll have some more friends?!" I asked, the kids sounded familiar but I pushed that feeling away

"they do sound rather interesting" Master said as he started lightly patting my head, Machi expressed her worry, we all know her hunches are almost always right "Kortopi, make more dummy hideouts"

before we left master made sure he knew everything important, master then showed everyone the list of bodyguard's that neon girl had. for some reason they were all now talking about neon, I wasn't really paying attention so I just acted like I was by nodding my head to what master said.

"Shizuku, Pakunoda" master spoke after lightning struck, they both turned to him confirming that they were listening "how could I have been so blind? Damn it, what's wrong with me, Nostrade daughter comes to York new city why? if only I had thought about it. perhaps we could've found the chain user sooner" now all of us were confused "this girl came to York new for the auction, its said she likes to collect certain body parts"

"does that link up with the scarlet eyes?" I asked 

"that's right, which means the chain user joined the Nostrade family for a reason. he knew that the scarlet eyes would be sold at the auction and that the Nostrade's daughter would want to buy them. the chain user wants two things" master said holding up two fingers "to seek revenge on us and retrieve the scarlet eyes" they looked around the treasure for the scarlet eyes, Kortopi used his nen to find where the copies are, they were somewhere somewhere not to far from here. Phinks handed master a map 

"a hotel?" I questioned

"boss, let me go check it out. I beg you" Nobunaga said

"very well" Nobunaga smiled "but I'm coming with you, Paku, Machi, Shizuku, and Hoshi you're coming to, Shal you'll switch with Kortopi." once master said that we started to leave, 

"really? didn't we already go there before?" Nobunaga asked "I thought the hotel, isn't that where the Nostrade was staying?"

"they probably checked into the same hotel under a different name" Master said. as we were walking I felt someone listening to us

"Master, someone listening to us. I cant make out where but their kinda far" I spoke quieter. Master nodded and the others stood more guarded

"the others will take care of that, don't worry about it" Master said

as we walked into town I could still feel them following us but master said not to worry so I ignored it, after a while we got on a train, I could still feel them and it was annoying me. I almost threw a star at them but remembered what master said and stopped myself.

"Finally off that train!" I said as I stretched, I hate stuffy places like trains. we all walked out of the train station, I felt much better in the rain.

Gon POV:

'Is that Hoshi with them?' I think I saw Hoshi but I don't want to jump to conclusions... 'yeah, that's right, Hoshi isn't evil. if anything its someone who looks like her or maybe she was kidnaped?' I chose not to say anything because I don't want Killua or Kurapika to get more stressed

Hoshi POV:

"its moving" Kortopi said

"we will apprehend them as a group. Pakunoda once we have him get the information on Uvo" Master instructed "after that, Nobunaga, their all yours.... go" we wall ran in the direction of the eyes, we were going so fast I heard people ask is we were ninjas I giggled a little causing Machi to look at me so I did a ninja pose causing her to chuckle as we ran. 

"Master! we're still being followed" I blurted out "I know you said not to worry about it but there's more now!" Master nodded

"good job Hoshi" Master said, Nobunaga took the fabric coving off his sword "Nobunaga, Pakunoda, and Kortopi go ahead" Master instructed, they did as they were told while master, Shizuku, Machi and I turned around, I grabbed some stars from my mini bag and Shizuku grabbed out blinky, causing them to stop to. my eyes widened as I finally realized why the followers felt so familiar.. it was gon and Kurapika. they both dashed to different sides, I don't think they noticed me.... I felt annoyed.... I thought I could trust them... I guess Vega was kinda right... Some humans are just one big lie....

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Sep 08, 2021 ⏰

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