Chapter 13- Goodbye..... Uvo...

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(A/N: I forgot to tell you this before but Hoshi can tell when one of the members die, but only the ones who opened her coffin. Also lots of POV switches)

Hoshi's POV:

I yawned and sat up. 

"did the others already go to get Uvo?" I asked master, he nodded without looking way from his book. I wiggled out of his lap and climbed down the rock. I snuck up on Machi who was fixing her needles. "Machi!" I jumped on her back, she smiled at me

"what is it Hoshi?" Machi asked.

"can you come town with me!" I begged with puppy-dog eyes, she chuckled

"sure, lets go" Machi put away her needles. "we're going into town, we'll be back in an hour" she announced as we walked out. 

we passed by lots of stalls, Machi got distracted looking at some stuff while I wondered off, and before I knew it... I was lost....

"STEP RIGHT UP!" A voice yelled "conditional auction, we've got a diamond sitting here worth 3 million jenny! arm wrestling decides the winner! the first person to beat this boy wins the diamond! the entry fee is 10 thousand jenny!" I walked closer to the voice recognizing it, when I walked up I saw 3 people who looked very familiar.....!

"GO-" I was cut off by a big man in a suit

"out of my way" the big guy said

"oh? our first challenger?" the man who I now recognized as Leorio asked.

"not quite, I already know my man cant beat your kid" a smaller guy in the same suit spoke "I was watching yesterday"

"then what do you want?" Leorio asked

"you interested in making some real money?" the small guy asked.

"what do you mean?" Leorio asked again, Leorio sounded like he was faking the curiosity.

"I know where you can make some serious cash" the small guy said "not the measly pocket change your pulling here." 

while the two talked I walked behind Killua and tapped his shoulder. Killua jumped a bit but calmed down once he saw it was me. 

"Hoshi?!" Killua whisper-yelled. I smiled at him and nodded, the people cleared out and Gon got up to follow the man with Leorio but turned to Killua to say something when he saw me.

"HOSHI!" Gon yelled and hugged me. I giggled and hugged him back, Leorio turned to see what the commotion was about.

"Hoshi!? how did you get free from the zoldyck's?!" he asked, the suited men turned to us. 

"are you coming?" the short one asked

"o-oh! yes!" Leorio stuttered and we began following them 

"how did you escape?" Killua asked 

"they let me" I said with a smile, it looked like Killua wanted to say something but the suited man interrupted him

"here we are" the short one said, we were standing in front of a café looking place. we went down an elevator then a room with people arm wrestling.

Machi's POV:  

once I bought some stuff I noticed Hoshi no longer by my side.... WHAT!? WHERE DID SHE GO!?!?

"HOSHI?!" WHERE ARE YOU!?" I yelled out, I began looking for her

Hoshi's POV: 

why do I get the feeling someone is looking for me?....

"oh wow, I can feel the bloodlust." Killua said

"this competition accepts all comers, and it really pays out." the short guy said "the spectators bet on each match and the winner gets 10% of all bets placed. were talking billions wagered on each match."

"but that means every single win can make you millions!" Leorio said excited. 

"why are you guys needing money?" I asked

"we're going to buy a game to find Gon's father." Killua said 

"wanna join us Hoshi? it'll be fun!" Gon cheered. I sighed

"sorry. I have to go back with Machi-....." I began, Killua and Gon looked at me "WHERE IS SHE!? I'M GOING TO BE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!" 

"who's 'Machi?" Gon asked.

"she's... kinda like my big sister?" I questioned myself "I went into town with her and got lost!! sorry guys! but I've got to go bye!" I yelled to them and ran out

Killua's POV: 

when Hoshi left we began to walk towards the ring for Gon to play but the lights turned on and a weird man jumped into the ring with a microphone, he talked about hide and seek? and a lady passed out flyers. Leorio said something about seeing one before but when I took a closer look at the names I noticed something.

"Gon.. what did Hoshi say that girls name was?" I asked just to be sure

"it was Machi, why?" Gon asked, I pointed at the pink haired girl. Gon laughed "Its probably a coincidence!" 

"I hope your right..." I mumbled

"they say there was one more! but they couldn't get her on camera! they said she had white hair!" the weird guy said. Gon laughed again but more nervously

"coincidence?" he asked

Hoshi's POV:

I was running around when I bumped into someone, 

"sorry!" I said and looked up "Machi!" I hugged her "I'm sorry for running off" Machi sighed and pet my head. 

"Its ok, lets go back now." Machi said and we walked back to the hideout. 

"YAY! everyone's back!" I cheered,

3rd POV: 

Hoshi's smile dropped and her eyes went dull but shined, tears running down her eyes. all of the troupe members looked at Hoshi, some of the newer members worried but those who opened her coffin remembered this happening, the prophecy was speaking. 

"the chosen one 'Uvogin' has been killed. as punishment for not being able to protect him, Hoshi Kumo will receive 50% of the damage 'Uvogin' took" Hoshi's eyes stopped glowing, she coughed up blood and fell to the floor. all the phantom troupe members eyes widened, almost all of them rushed to Hoshi to check if she was ok. Chrollo laid out his jacket.

"bring her up here" Chrollo commanded. Pakunoda picked Hoshi up and laid her on Chrollo's  jacket. while Hoshi rested the 6 who went with Uvo told Chrollo what happened before Uvo's death. "a chain user? probably a conjurer or manipulator. Uvogin can hold his own in a fight, but one on one he's most valuable to those two categories. it's not uncommon for a conjurer to enhance the things. many do, and some of those abilities could easily render Uvo helpless. and a manipulator could manipulate Uvo himself."

"I knew it! I just knew I should've gon with him. Damn it!" Shalnark said

"we'll have to switch plans." Chrollo told them.

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