chapter 5- its not the final phase? oh well! lets start

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(A/N: sorry I haven't done much writing. online school is annoying and I'm kinda struggling, and I just got a job to help out in my house. I will write more!😊)

Hoshi's POV:

I followed the lady with pink hair. she stopped and began introducing the 4th phase.

"it will take 2 hours for this boat to reach its destination Zebo island!" (did I spell that right?) she told us. I quietly walked over to killua and gon. they tuned to me and I smiled then turned my attention back to the pink-haired girl. "the 24 contestants left have a free pass to take the exam next year! never say die... right?....everybody..?...oh.. that went over well..." the pink haired girl then told us we could do as we please for the next 2 hours. I looked down at my card and frowned... it was #301.... illumi... I didn't know what to do, I cant take illumi's pin. I thought for a bit then remembered, the mohawk man said we needed 6 points and that the extra pins are worth 1 point each. I smiled to myself 'if I keep my tag and get 3 more then I don't have to take illumi's!' 

"you ok Hoshi? you've been spacing out" killua said, I looked over to him and smiled. 

"I'm fine!" killua nodded and tuned to the card in his hand. tither me nor gon could see the number. "what number did you get?" killua stayed quiet, the air was tense. it didn't matter if they had my card, even if their my friends I have to pass. it was an order by master Chrollo. I heard a laugh come from killua, both me and gon turned to him

"don't worry! I don't have either of you" killua said. I smiled at him.

"me neither!" gon and I said. 

"lets show our cards." killua suggested, I nodded. "3...2...1!" we all flipped our cards. killua had one of the brothers and gon had Hisoka. "do either of you know who this is?" killua asked.

"its one of the brothers." I told him. "but gon you have bad luck, Hisoka is weird." I told him. 

"only weird!? Hisoka is crazy!" Killua said, I tilted my head

"crazy?" I asked, killua sighed. 

"your so oblivious" he told me. 

"what!? am not!" I defended, killua ignored me and turned to gon. I huffed, "meanie" there was a small chuckle from killua and gon but I ignored it. the 2 hours passed quickly and before we knew it we were at the island. they called each person up one by one. Hisoka went then it was my turn. I headed to the direction Hisoka was going in. I saw him a little ahead of me. "Hisoka!" I called out to him, Hisoka turned around to me. 

"oh~? Hoshi~ did you already get your badge?" Hisoka asked, I shook my head.

"no, I got Gittarackur so instead I'm going to get 3 different badges." I explained to him, Hisoka nodded understanding. 

"I see~ we'll wait for Gittarackur over here" Hisoka told me, I looked around and noticed we were in a small clearing with a tree. 

"ok!" I sat next to Hisoka while we waited for illumi. it didn't take long before illumi showed up. "hi! Gittarackur!" I called out to him, illumi took out his pins and returned to his normal look. he stood over the ground and dug himself a hole.

"Hoshi, do you want me to dig you a hole as well?" illumi asked, I shook my head.

"no thank you!" I smiled "I have to get 3 badges but when I'm done do you think I could sleep with you?" I asked innocently, illumi nodded then covered himself with a pile of dirt. I smiled and walked off.

"aww~ I don't get a goodbye~?" Hisoka said as he wiped a invisible tear. 

"nope" I stuck my tong at him then ran off. I kept running until I scented someone. I hid behind a tree and watched him. I heard something behind me but I paid no mind to it...until there was a hand on my shoulder. I almost screamed as I jumped, I turned around I would've never expected him.... Vega... my bestfriend... "VEGA!?" I whisper-yelled not wanting to scare off my target.

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