Not wanting to leave, Josiah stayed put, "I could just call in sick and stay here with you."

"You need to go to work," Leah chuckled, "You already called in for the past three days."

Groaning, the male gave in, "Alright. But if you start feeling worse, promise that you will call me." Leah nodded with a smile, holding in a groan as the feeling of nausea washed over her again.

After her husband was gone, Leah ran to the bathroom and began to throw up the light snack she had just a couple of minutes ago. Groaning, the female hunched over the toilet was unable to hear her cousin's voice calling out for her.

"Leah! You okay?" Emily rushed over to her cousin, rubbing her back soothingly.

The only response she got was Leah gagging and coughing― Emily knelt beside her while rubbing her back until she stopped. Once Leah was able to stand up and walk back over the couch, Emily walked over to the kitchen to get her a cup of water which she drank in one go.

"Why are you here?" Leah asked once she finished the glass of water.

Taking the cup and placing it on the table in front of her, Emily responded, "Josiah told me to come watch over you. Said you had been feeling sick for the past couple of days."

Of course, it was Eli...

"I've been throwing up non-stop and the cramps have been killing me," Leah whined, wrapping her arms around herself, "And my breasts have been tender, I don't know why."

Gears seemed to turn inside Emily's head before she came to the conclusion that made her eyes go wide, Leah staring at her in confusion. Letting out a gasp, Emily smiled big, letting out a squeal, startling her cousin. "What?"

"Oh my god, Leah! You might be pregnant!"

At the word 'pregnant,' Leah's eyes went wide as well, "T-That... that can't be. I mean..." not knowing what to say, the nauseous woman had her mouth gaping open, trying to wrap her head around the idea.

"I'll be right back!" Emily suddenly stood up, taking her car keys and running out the door.

It wasn't long before Emily returned with a bag containing four purple and pink boxes in her hand: pregnancy tests. Handing it over, the scarred woman gave her cousin a look which made Leah sigh in defeat before taking a box in her hand and walking to the bathroom.

Once she was done, she walked out, leaving the test in the bathroom, and together they waited for it to process and tell them the result. Besides Leah, Emily was shaking with excitement while the Lahote-Clearwater bit her lip anxiously. What if it came back positive?

After a couple of minutes passed by, Leah stood up from her seat on the couch, taking a deep breath and walked over to the bathroom. Peeking inside the sink, her eyes widened at the sight in front of her

It was positive.

Pacing back and forth in the living room, Leah could hear her heart beating from all the blood flow it was producing to her ears. A smile was on her lips and her right hand held the four positive pregnancy tests that Emily made her take, just to be sure. Now all that she was doing was waiting for her husband.

Taking a deep breath, she attempted to calm her racing heart and organized the four sticks inside the gift box she had gotten to surprise Josiah. The box was simple, plain on the outside but the inside, it was decorated blue and pink. Leaving the box on the kitchen counter, all that Leah could do now was wait for her husband to return home, which wouldn't be long.

The sound of the keys and doorknob turning confirmed it. Running to sit on the couch, Leah attempted to look as natural as possible, without giving anything away. However, it was hard to get rid of the smile etched on her lips; in an attempt to hide her smile, the dark-haired woman bit the inside of her cheek.

Salute {Leah Clearwater}⁴Where stories live. Discover now