Chapter 17- Hello Coruscant!

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This had been the first time I'd ever traveled. Not only was it scary, but I felt like a fish out of water. Everything was new. Crying children, complaining elders, annoyed parents, sleeping babies, reserved teens. You name it, it was there.

As I tapped my foot and kept my eyes peeled out the window for the new planet, my fingers massaged either side of my mother's necklace, which represented home to me.


"Coruscant!" yelled the droid that piloted the shuttle, doors opening as a crowd of people piled out into another crowd of people.

As I attempted to push through everyone, I got eye rolls and grunts, probably annoyed with me. My parents however, told me to care less about it. Apparently I'll never see them again, so it makes it alright.

Taking the crumpled piece of paper out of my pocket, I glanced at the smeared writing, just barely readable so I was still able to make it down to my new apartment.

It was located in the nicer side of the city. Whoever got me this job was loaded.

The city was almost nostalgic. The beautiful sky, chatting people, fast speeders, familiar breeze. It was like I'd been here before, like I knew it oh so well but just couldn't fully catch on yet.

Sighing, I finally reached my new apartment building. It was huge. A towering high rise with windows all over. I was practically ecstatic. Who wouldn't wanna live in this?

Trying my best not to burst through the doors and get my keys, I took a deep breath and peacefully entered the lobby, cooking up a small conversation with the woman at the front desk and then eventually asking for my keys.

As she gladly handed them to me, I smiled and thanked her. Going to the lift that took me upward to the 20th floor, finding room "2008".

I jammed my key into the keyhole, anxiously opening it as I took in the view of my new living space. It was beautiful. The windows let in a golden amount of light that soaked up the already furnished room.

The flooring was covered in chocolate brown planks, layed evenly as they glossed in the light. There was a pullout bed to the right of me, the left had two closets. One for storage and the other with a washing machine and dryer. And if you went deeper in, you were able to see another closet on my left, kitchen and island on my right, then straight ahead the living room.

It was one big space, except one bedroom separating the main space from it and the bathroom. The bedroom was huge. Certainly bigger than my other one. Not hesitating, I flopped down on the bed, ready for a nap from my restless couple of hours on the shuttle.

once again, prewritten. lots of mistak:

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