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Dom was stuck in a boring meeting, his head on the table as he half listened to what his manager was trying to tell his team. It wasn't like he really had to pay attention. It was usually the same things he said at the previous meeting. "Dom, would you at least pretend that you are paying attention?"

He wasn't paying attention at all anymore, his main focus being on his phone and the text messages that Madison was sending him. He had a feeling that what she was saying to him wasn't true at all. She didn't really say much, she was more focused on how his day was going. "I am paying attention, Tom. I just don't know what you said."

Tom let out a deep sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. He took a moment to calm his annoyance before he responded. "I said that in about a month or two, you will be doing a collaboration with Machine Gun Kelly. It's going to be a huge moment for your career."

"And who the fuck is Machine Gun Kelly?" Dom had never really done a collaboration before. This would be a first for him and he didn't know how to feel about it. He was always the type to do his own thing. He had his own sound and his own imagine. He had something that he created on his own.

"He's actually really popular. This could really boost your career and take it to a whole different level." Dom rather liked where his career was at the moment. He had a solid fanbase that loved his own sound. He was worried about how they would feel about this collaboration.

"Fine, I trust you. I just hope you're sure that my fans will like this." He let out a deep sigh and lifted his head to look up at his manager with a worried expression. If his fans didn't approve, he wasn't sure how he would handle the backlash from it.

"Actually, we did some research and most of the people who stream your music, stream his as well." That seemed to calm Dom's anxiety some. Maybe his fans would actually have a positive reaction. "We just need you to listen to what he has already written and write your own verse."

Dom watched as Tom slid a CD across the table to him. He reached out and picked it up before he got up from the table and went into the studio to review it and make some notes. How he was going to have a whole verse written in a month that he actually felt comfortable with, was beyond him.

He sat on the leather couch with the unfinished song playing on a loop in the background while writing down several possibilities that he could use for his verse. He was lost in his own little world until his phone went off and Madison's name popped up on the screen.

Madison: how is work going?

Dom: its going okay. just working on a project at the moment. what are you doing?

Madison: im just listening to some music that calms my anxiety. figured i would check on you since you always check on me.

Dom: what are you listening to?

Madison: someone i actually just discovered on spotify by accident. i think his name is yungblud. i really like his music.

Dom couldn't help but to laugh at that. She had discovered his music and had no idea that she was actually texting the artist. He decided to have a little fun with it.

Dom: yeah? what's your favorite song by him? i might look him up when i get done working.

Madison: i haven't listened to very many yet but i really love polygraph eyes.

Dom: sounds like an interesting title.

Madison: his voice alone soothes me. he has the most beautiful voice i have ever heard.

Madison: don't tell my brother I said that.

Dom found himself smiling from ear to ear. He wanted nothing more than to say thank you and let her know that his stage name was yungblud. But she knew nothing about him. She didn't even know what his career really was. And he kind of liked having a friend that knew him outside of being famous.

Dom: he sounds incredible. im glad you found something that helps keep you calm.

He was touched that his own music helped her in such a way. That's all he ever wanted. He always wanted his music to help someone in need. And to know that it was actually happening, touched his heart and made him vow to keep his career going as long as he could.

He couldn't keep the smile off his face as he put his phone away and continued writing, finding it a lot easier to come up with the perfect lyrics. He was so picky about his writing. He probably had about twenty unreleased songs that he was too self concious to actually record and put out into the world.

Once he was done writing and felt satisfied with it, he tore the sheet of paper from his song book and went back into the conference room to hand it over to Tom. "Wow, you finished that pretty quickly. It only took you, what, an hour?"

"Yeah once I got the first line, it all just came naturally for once. It's easier to write a verse than it is to write an entire song or album."  Dom shrugged, truly proud of himself for this one. Maybe he wouldn't mind doing more collaborations in the future if it continued to be this easy.

"Okay, I will get in touch with Machine Gun Kelly's label and get this sent over to him for approval immediately. In the meantime, why don't you take the rest of the day off? You have been working pretty hard lately."

Dom couldn't remember what it was like to not be working. He had been working so much that he wouldn't even know what to do with himself if he didn't have something to keep him busy. "Alright, just let me know if he has a problem with the verse and I will try and come up with something else."

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