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Madison: oh my god. i am so sorry about earlier.

Dom: hahaha i take it you sobered up some after your nap?

Madison: i did and i am so ashamed of myself.

Dom: why is that? lol

Madison: i made a complete fool of myself. i feel like a clown.

Dom: you didn't make a fool of yourself. everyone acts a certain way when they are high.

Dom: you just like discussing yungbluds "big dick energy" as you called it.

Madison: NO. can we plesse pretend that i never said anything? i am absolutely mortified.

Dom couldn't help but to smile at his phone. He had grown quite fond of Madison since he met her. Even though he didn't really know anything about her other than a couple small details, he felt like he knew her. It sounded silly to him in his head but he knew if this girl decided to shut him out, he would be pretty bummed.

He laid in his bed with his thoughts, sifting through them all and trying to make sense of it all. How could he be so attached to a girl he didn't even really know? That part he couldn't seem to wrap his head around. If she knew this, she would probably block his number and never think twice about it.

But little did he know, she was just as attached to him. He was her savior, as he so wisely put it. She had grown to depend on him for happiness, even if it was short lived and temporary. She needed him just as much as he needed her. She needed someone to save her and he needed someone to save.

Madison wasn't sure if she would be able to survive without Dom. He had become her safety net, someone she really depended on.

Dom: you're absolutely adorable when you're so embarrassed.

Madison: you're adorable in general. i really can't thank you enough. you're an angel. :(

Dom: im just trying to help you. i really hope you can make it, maddie. if anyone deserves to beat depression, it's you.

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