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When Madison finally woke up later that day, it was five in the afternoon and she had to be at work in two hours. She didn't really want to go, she had a bad hangover and wanted to stay in bed with Dom.

She looked over to see Dom still sound asleep on his stomach, one arm under the pillow, the other around her waist holding her as close to him as possible.

She decided to let him sleep instead of waking him up and carefully removed his arm before sliding out of bed and heading over to her closet.

She decided to wear a faded pair of skinny jeans and her favorite yungblud crop top just to see if he would notice. She wore it quite often, even before she knew Dom was yungblud.

She quickly wiggled out of her pajama pants and reached up to pull her shirt over her head, completely unaware that Dom was now wide awake, sitting up in bed and watching her with a small smile.

"Good morning to you too."

She quickly spun around and dropped the jeans she was holding to the floor, her lips slightly parting in shock.

"Why does this keep happening?" She asked through a small laugh, no longer self conscious about him seeing her this way.

"It does seem to be a reoccurring thing with you." He was laughing as she picked up her jeans and quickly tugged them up her legs.

"Well, if you don't want it to happen, I could always start changing in my bathroom." She suggested, his answering shake of his head bringing a small smile to her lips.

"No, I look forward to moments like this. You're beautiful as fook, Maddie." She didn't admit it, but his accent made her weak in the knees.

She flashed a small smile as she pulled her shirt over her head and made her way back over to him, climbing back onto the bed.

He didn't even hesitate to grab the bottom of her shirt in between his fingers, feeling the material for a moment. "This guy sucks. You need better merch."

She couldn't believe he would talk about himself in such a way. He always seemed to be so confident.

"I think he's rather adorable and has an amazing voice." She pointed out, watching the smile on his face widen.

"Yeah? He thinks the same thing about you." He reached up to grab the padlock around her neck before pulling her closer and pressing a soft kiss to her lips.

She returned the kiss and pulled away with a heavy heart. "I have to get to work." She poked her lower lip out into a small pout.

"I can drive you. Let me get dressed."


Madison: hey can you come up here and sit at the bar with me until I get off?

Dom: yeah, but why? what's going on?

Madison: Dean is here with his stupid friends and I don't wanna be alone.

Dom: im on my way. what are they doing?

Madison: they keep looking at me and laughing. he is telling his friends something and I know it's about me.

Dom: just ignore them until I get there, okay?

Madison: okay but it's starting to piss me off >:(

Dom: they better fear the almighty angry face that's for sure.

Madison smiled at his last reply and put her phone away to continue her job. She was less intimidated now that she knew Dom was coming. She felt more safe.

She continuted to serve her customers at the bar, wiping down the counter in between drink orders. The bar was quite busy and she was making a lot of tips.

She glanced up to see Dean staring at her with a small smirk on his lips and watched as he leaned in to whisper something to his friend that was across from him, both of them laughing hysterically.

Jonathon, one of her regulars at the bar, turned around on his barstool to see what she was looking at before he turned back around to face her.

"You want me to go say something to them, Madison?" She appreciated the gesture but quickly held a hand up and shook her head.

"No, it's okay, Jon. My boyfriend is on his way here. They're not worth the trouble, trust me." She let out a deep sigh before she got him another beer and placed it onto the bar in front of him.

"Oh, bartender!" She heard a familiar voice call out to her in a rude way, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as she quickly went over to his table, only doing so because she had no other choice.

"What do you want, Dean?" She snapped, earning mocking laughs from his friends sitting around him. She heard the front doors open and turned to see Dom staring in her direction.

"You could be a lot nicer, you know?"

"This is me being nice. What. Do. You. Want?" She spoke through gritted teeth, smiling solely for the cameras that were recording her every action.

"I'd like you to take these empty glasses and bring us another round of shots." She didn't respond. She simply reached out and picked up the glasses before turning to head back to the bar.

"Make it fast too." Before she could even process what happened, Dean reached out and smacked her right across the ass, and it actually hurt her.

She couldn't stop herself from doing it. She took the empty glass in her right hand and busted it right on top of his head, the entire bar looking in their direction to see what was going on.

"Don't you fucking touch me again!" She shouted, pointing a slender finger at him before walking away as if nothing happened.

"You didn't have to be such a bitch about it." One of his friends chimed in, the blood in her veins beginning to boil. Before she could turn around to say anything, Dom went over there and jerked the guy out of his seat by his shirt.

"I think you owe the nice bartender a fucking apology." He drug the guy over to her and held him there, waiting for the apology that would never come.

"I'm not apologizing to that bitch." He shouldn't have said that. He should have just apologized and went to enjoy the rest of his night.

Dom pulled the guy back by his shoulder and threw the most perfect right hook she had ever seen at the guys nose. You could hear the bone break, the sound alone almost making her want to throw up.

"Dom!" She knew the cops would be called and he would go to jail, no matter what the reason for doing it was. The cops in Cleveland gave no shits.

She reached out to pull him off the guy she didn't know and pulled him over to the bar before making him sit down on a stool. "Calm down and let me fix you a drink, okay?"

He gave a sharp nod, his eyes never once leaving the two boys who were complaining about being in pain.

When Madison placed a cold beer on the bar, he finally turned back around and picked it up, bringing it to his lips. "We're so going to jail." She spoke through a sigh.

"Yes and your brother is going to fucking kill me."

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