"Miss Foster, if this is about your biological mother, me and her have discussed and we've decided it would be fine if Mr. Vacker knows but only if he can-"

"It's not that."

"Then what is it?" He creased his forehead as he stared down at me.

I should have just said "no thanks" and left. Now I have to come up with a excuse.

"Even if I told him, I don't think I can... trust him anymore after the things he's done."

Magnate Leto raised an eyebrow but nodded and let me out.

I continued down the halls until I reached my destination, physical education.

I sigh before stepping in, only to get nailed on the eye with a splotcher.

"Just hold the ice on there while I go find some stuff for you."

I groaned as I held the ice against my dyed-pink eye. Of course it had to be pink that almost blinded me in on eye.

Elwin came back with five elixirs in hand. "Ones for the pain, one so you can see better, one so your eye can clear up, and one for your head."

Me, bring the clumsiest and most unlucky person to ever walk the planet , also had the hot of falling backwards and hitting my head.

And on top of all of that, Stina was the one who threw the splotcher.

"Can I just stay here for the rest of the day and say my eye needs time to heal?" I ask as I down all the elixirs.

"You can stay for a bit but I'm not going to be responsible for you missing a lesson. I'll write you a note so you can be late though."

I sigh as I lay down for another minute. 

"You might want to go try and scrub off that pink on your face when the medicine kicks in."

Elwin throws me a small towel as I get up and stubble over to the bathroom. There was a pink splat mark right around my swollen, red eye.

I scrub at it forever until there's only a faint mark left, but it's still very noticeable.

"Great." I muttered.

I walk out of the bathroom unhappy that the pink wouldn't go away.

"You can go get you lunch and eat in here if you would like."

Not bothering to answer, I walk out and to the lunchroom. There's not many people there but many of them stare at me.

I walk though the lunch line, grabbing whatever food I can and try to leave the cafeteria but someone stops me.

"Sophie? Where are you going?" Linh steps in front of me and I look down.

"Aren't you going to sit with us? We haven't seen you in forever." Linh sounds sad, making me feel even worse.

"Sorry Linh, I need-" I stop myself as I looked at her face. She looks tired and sad. I can't just leave her now.

"I need to... grab a spoon and then I'll be right there." I give her a small smile and turn to grab a spoon.

As I walk over to the table I mentally prepare myself for the train wreck this is going to be.

I sit down on the end, next to Linh. Dex wasn't sitting with us today, I could see him with his popular group of friends a few tables away from us. Biana was watching him with a lovesick expression that made me gag.

As I turned to look at Fitz, I immediately turn away when I see his glare directed at me.

I make small talk with Linh and Tam. They seemed like the only friends I had left. I suddenly felt terrible about not spending more time with them.

Too soon, the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch.

I wave goodbye to everyone and make my way back to the healing center.

"Finally sat with your friends for once?"

"AHHH- oh hi Elwin. Yes, I did. Sorry I left you behind but..." Elwin smiled a waved me off.

"Here's your late pass to class. I'd hurry up so your teacher isn't too mad by the time you get there."

I yell out a goodbye to Elwin before I run to Linguistics.

This is going to be long day.

I sleepily stumble to my locker and grab my things. Linguistics was just as long and horrible as I remembered and study hall seemed to be even longer but on the bright side, I got all of my homework done. On top of that, everyone was staring at my pink-stained eye.

I grab all my things and practically race back home to go take a nap.

I was still mad at Grady and Edaline so I prepare myself to run up to my room. Unfortunately, nineteen people standing in the middle of the room is hard to run past.

"Miss Foster, We need to talk."

The End of the RoadWhere stories live. Discover now