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(The next day)
(No one's p.o.v)
Sonic and his little bro Tails are eating breakfast at the kitchen table on a lovely morning. Not knowing someone is watching them.
"Alright buddy I'm going on my morning run I'll catch you later?" asked sonic. "Sure if there's an emergency you know to do have fun on your run I'm going to my lab. Oh! And also tell him I said hello" said tails and sonic nods. The brothers gave a see you soon bro fist as Sonic runs out of the house. A shadowy figure follows sonic but not so close to not get spotted as they get closer and closer to Eggman's base.

(Shadows p.o.v.)
Last night I decided to stalk faker and see his relationship with the fat man. Hopefully, I get my answers inside the fat one's evil lair. I hide behind a corner of the two-tailed fox and fakers house when I heard "Alright see you later tails I'll tell him you said hi." I peek and I see Faker taking a stretch before he takes off running before following him in the shadows. Then it hit me when I recognized the path we're running on...the one to the fat man's lair. 'Is faker really going to fight Eggman on his own in the man's own lair?' I thought while following faker.
What shocked me was faker walked in without knocking usually if you have entry into the lair you need to knock it was certainly strange. I chaos controlled inside still in the shadows mind you following faker from above. Once we reached the lair's main room, I was even more shocked to see some of the robots we fought yesterday run to faker happily instead of attacking him. This is getting weirder and weirder by the minute. Once Eggman walked into the room he smiled softly in something you would see a parent do to their chil- wait... are they..? My thoughts are cut off as soon as I hear the word "father!!"....what?

(Sonics p.o.v.)
"Father!!" I say as I run to my dad and hug him. Eggman hugs me back and kisses my forehead while smiling softly. I purred a bit and smiled back at him softly. "Father tails says hi" "ah I see well you get home tell him to call me when he isn't busy so he and I can help upgrade my aircraft," Father says. I chuckle "sure thing, do you need help with anything at all today?" I ask. He puts a finger on his chin thinking while I tap my foot impatiently "I'm waaaiiitttiiiinnnggg~" I smirk while he chuckles.  "Well our garden has a weed problem and they need some water think you can handle the greenhouse?" he asked and I fake gasp dramatically "me not being able to handle a garden? *scoff* Please I've been doing this my whole life!" "Well then get a move on" he chuckled. "I'm going I'm going!" I say walking off to the garden not knowing I'm being followed.

(Shadows p.o.v.)
I was stunned to hear the conversation with faker and Eggman. Never in my mind would I ever guess these two were family from the start and the two-tailed fox knows about it?! My thoughts are cut off when I see faker walking off somewhere. I followed him until we reached With a greenhouse? Strange. I jump down hiding behind a bush. Then I did the unthinkable and popped out behind faker with my cold expression with my hand on my hip.

What will shadow do to sonic fight him or confront him? Check out next time on My Secret Parent!
Thank you guys for reading this chapter leave a comment how much you like it so far I feel like these chapters are short and I apologize for that.
See in the next chapter my marshmallows mama mallow loves ya! ♥️

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