Finally, it is Friday and as soon as I step into school, I learn that there is some meeting for which the first two hours are canceled. I would have preferred to know this before but I am glad for the time to finally be able to finish the homework and stop playing catch up. Charlie joins me as usual. The girl knew yet she came to school early, I have no idea why. None of our other friends are here or even awake as we texted in the group and no one even saw it. Well except Mark, he said he was on his way to school. He has been a little off lately. Well, not off, just different. Smiling, texting, and smiling. This is just in school, I have no idea how he behaved outside considering I did not meet anyone outside school besides Charlie who I all but kidnapped and took to my house everyday after school. She was happy though, even now as she helps me with this work. This girl is another genius and is very patient considering the dumb questions I ask from time to time.

"So... anything new with you and Diane?" Charlie asks suddenly when I close the Algebra book. Finally done with all the work related to it. In fact, now I am a bit ahead, thanks to Charlie, herself.

"What do you mean?" I ask without even looking at her.

"You know, you said you were meeting her last Sunday then I did not hear from you regarding that meeting nor did I see you two talking this whole week at school. And I know for a fact you did not meet her afterwards considering you and I spent the whole evening together till its time for bed. That reminds me, we are not studying the whole evening today also, my dad was pulling my leg today about if I stay at home or not considering he has not seen me for a week it seems." I look up at Charlie to see the amused expression she hosts. I smile too, her smile really is contagious.

"Well, you can tell your dad that your kidnapper happens to be an idiot and needs lots of help in school work. And that she shall return you to your home soon, but maybe after the weekend." I smirk at her Charlie widens her eyes.

"Are you serious?" I shrug.

"I plan to finish all the leftover homework and everything this weekend and maybe even try to go ahead like we did with Algebra."

"That's actually not a bad idea but don't you think you should factor in the girl you are kind of seeing. Considering it is the weekend and all." I look at Charlie tentatively before relenting. "Unless you don't want to."

"I want to, it's just that..." I trail off.

"Something happened?" I nod, a slight one but Charlie spots it. "Tell me maybe I can be of some help." I give her a small smile.

"Nothing much, and I probably made a bigger deal out of it than it was. And now it's been almost a week and we have not really talked." Charlie nods and signals me to go ahead. "So on Sunday Diane planned a picnic for us, well not a picnic considering we met after lunch, anyway, it was all good. We talked and had fun, eating snacks, feeding birds. Then uh...." I paused to gauge Charlie's reaction. She raises her eyebrows.

"Well go on then, don't leave me hanging now." She rolls her eyes.

"Headache Lee, remember." She makes a face which kind of means 'as if'. Chuckling, I continue. "So, we uh kissed. Well, I kissed her this time and I would say it became a little more... aggressive shall we call it. Then Diane sort of pushed me off her and mumbled incoherent words. She did not seem angry though but I have no idea. I am sure I ruined whatever it was though."

"When you say aggressive you mean?" Charlie asks, studying my face.

"I mean... I guess we were making out, you know not a sweet simple kiss. Diane uh... seemed into it, but then she pushed me off. I can't... It's uh...." I trail off.

"So nothing sexual happened?" Charlie asks, making me widen my eyes.

"No, of course not. Why would you even think that?" Charlie shrugs. "It's a genuine question. But I do feel she just felt too embarrassed and maybe the park was not a good idea... you know for making out."

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