How can this woman drive so fucking mad, but turn me on at the same time?

Then I feel the woman at the bar move closer, and I try so hard not to groan in annoyance. Seriously lady, I'm not interested, I want to yell at her.

"So, are you here alone?" She asked.

Yes, but I'm watching my woman, I wanted to say, but instead I said, "yes," with more force than necessary. Seriously lady, just leave me the fuck alone.

"Well in that case..." She started to say, but I was seeing red. The asshole's hand is all over Arabella, as she was swaying and grinding her hips on him.

Before she could finish her thoughts and before she could put her hand on me, I slam my drink on the bar, pulled out my wallet, and some cash, and placed it on the bar. "Keep the change," I said to the bartender. Then I turned to the annoying woman and looked at her straight in the eyes, so she knows I'm not fucking around. "Sorry but I'm engaged and I'm not interested," I said. She huffed, and scrunched her face in disbelief and anger, but I ignored her. She is the least of my concern.

I'm about to explode with anger and before I could stop myself, I walk over to the dance floor where they are dancing so intimately.

As I was getting closer to them, Arabella, turned her head slightly, and her eyes went wide when she saw me.

She looked so beautiful. I don't know if I should kiss her senseless or drag her back home. I'm so fucking furious.

The asshole saw the expression on her face and looked towards who caused it. I returned his gaze.

He turned back to Arabella, and held her arm, while his other hand went up to her face. "are you okay?" He asked.

Arabella simply nodded.

"Let's go," I said to her grabbing her hand.

"Woah, wait a minute. We're dancing here, and she's my date," the asshole said.

"She's my fiancé," I growled.

I heard Arabella gasp.

The asshole smirked and chuckled.

"I'm guessing this is the arrogant, egotistical jerk, controlling, obnoxious, inconsiderate prick, you were talking about?" He asked Arabella.

Arabella nodded. I scowled.

"Yes, and we are leaving, so get your fucking hands off of her," I growled menacingly.

"I'm not your fiancé," Arabella said.

I glared at her, and she lifted her chin, and glared back at me. Once her initial shock upon seeing me have subsided, her feistiness came out.

That's my girl, I thought to myself. My firecracker. It took her long enough...

"Let me go Massimo, Adam and I are on a date, and I'm enjoying myself. You have no right to come here, and demand for me to go home. I'll go home when I damn well please!" She hissed.

Fuck! I know that tone and the look on her face. She is not budging.

Fuck! How am I going to get her far away from this asshole...

Suddenly, I thought of something...

"It's Lia," I said. "I only came here because of Lia. She's been crying all night, looking for you. I don't know what to do, so I promised her that I'll find you and bring you back home. She thinks you left without saying goodbye," I said, knowing that she wouldn't be able to resist Lia. My insides were smiling in triumph.

Worry was written all over Arabella's face. She turned to Adam and said, "I'm so sorry Adam, but I have to go."

My insides were jumping in triumph. Yeah, asshole, she's coming home...with me!

"It's alright I'll take you..."

"Not gonna happen," I said, earning a glare from Arabella.

"Adam it's fine, I'll ride with Massimo..." I smirked. Yeah asshole, she's riding with me. "It doesn't make sense for you to drive me home, when Massimo and I are going to the same place," she explained.

The asshole nodded in acceptance. "I'd like to see you again..." He started to say, but before Arabella could answer, I grabbed her hand and said, "sorry to cut this short but we're in a hurry. Our daughter is waiting at home, and don't bother she won't be seeing you again," I said, while tagging Arabella along with me.

Our daughter? Even I shocked myself when I said that. But it's true. She's going to be our daughter once we get married.

Al was looking at the scene, and I could tell that she wanted to stop me, but her husband held her back and whispered something in her ear. She scowled, but didn't fight.

Good girl, I thought to myself.

Arabella on the other hand, was fighting me every step of the way.

"Massimo let me go!" She demanded. "How dare you! You obnoxious jerk! Let me go damn it!" she said loud enough for some heads to turn our way.

I stopped on my tracks and turned to her. "Stop fighting me. Stop trying to create a scene..."

"A scene? I'm creating a scene? You're the one who rudely interrupted my date, and is rudely dragging me out of this bar!" She growled angrily.

"Arabella, we are leaving. Either you stop this non sense and walk out of here with me peacefully, or I'm going to throw you over my shoulder, as I walk out of here, putting on a show. You choose," I told her.

She glared at me venomously, and huffed. I stood there as well, meeting her gaze, not budging.

"Fine!" She hissed. "Let's go," she said.

"Good girl," I said. She glared at me, causing me to chuckle.


Uh-oh I wonder how Arabella's going to react, when she finds out Massimo lied and tricked her, to get her home and away from the "asshole"

Just Tell Me You Love Me (Book 1 in the Just Series) *under editing*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora