Holiday Happenings

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Lorelai steps out of Doose's with a guy I don't recognize, and a little girl.

"Hey, Jess. Fancy seeing you here. I heard word you were back in town for a visit," she says.

"Hi. Mom wanted me to come meet my sister, so I decided to come down and spend the holiday with them."

"That's nice," she says, smiling.

"Oh, the two of you never got to meet. Jess, this is Christopher. He's Rory's dad."

Ah, yes. The guys she slept with after fighting with Luke.

"Nice to meet you. The girls have both mentioned you," he says, reaching his hand out to shake my hand.

I happened to notice a ring on his left hand.

"This is my daughter Gigi," he adds.

"And is this your daughter?" Lorelai asks.

"Yeah, this is Lory," I reply.

She crouches down.

"Oh my god! Hello. It's nice to finally meet you," she greets.

"You know Rory?" she asks, having picked up on her name from before.

"Yes I do. I'm her mom."

"I told you about her. This is Lorelai," I remind Lory.

Lory's eyes light up and she smiles at Lorelai.

"You like poptarts and snow! I like those too!" Lory exclames.

"You do? That's awesome. You know, I have a superpower," she says, and then leans a little closer to Lory.

"I can smell the snow before it falls," Lorelai tells her.

"That's so cool!" she says, making Lorelai and I laugh.

Gigi comes up to Lory and they start talking. I look back up at Christopher and see him cover his not-so-happy look with a fake smile.

"What did you say her name was?" he asks.

"Eleanor Louise. I call her Lory."

"Huh," he says, glancing at Lorelai.

"How do you two know each other?" he asks Lorelai.

"Jess was the one Rory dated after Dean. He is also Luke's nephew," she replies.

He nods as he looks back at me.

"Right. Luke. Well, we best be getting back to the house, so we can make breakfast," he says.

"Come on, Gigi," he says.

The girls say goodbye and then he pulls her along. I look to Lorelai.

"Sorry about him. Luke is a sore subject."

"It's fine. We should really get to my Mom's."

"Okay, have fun. Tell everyone hi for me."

"Will do. Merry Christmas," I say as Lory and I start to walk off.

"You too," she calls.

"Bye," Lory says.

We finally made it to Mom and Tj's. Luke is in the kitchen with TJ making breakfast and Mom greets us at the door.

"You're here! Come in, come in. Merry Christmas."

"Hi, Mom."

"Hello, Baby," she replies, hugging me.

"Hi, Grandma," Lory greets.

"Hello, sweetheart."

We get inside the door and shed out coats. Mom is holding Doula, who is wearing a romper that matches Lory's dress.

TJ greets us and takes the girls into the living room while Mom and I take his place in the kitchen helping Luke

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TJ greets us and takes the girls into the living room while Mom and I take his place in the kitchen helping Luke.

Once the food is ready we all settle at the table and eat. Once we're done we all move into the living room to do presents.

Mom got Luke some fishing equipment. I got TJ some tools. Probably a bad idea, but I've heard of the multiple times he's terrorized Luke, so I thought it'd be funny.

After seeing Luke's horrified reaction I can say I was definitely correct. Luke got me some new books, and Mom got me a couple of nice shirts.

I didn't actually get her anything, but I did give her a box of Lory's old clothes and toys for Doula. It was much appreciated.

Mom got both Lory and Doula some new clothes and toys. Lory was also gifted a few new books which was great.

I've grown tired of reading her the same stack of books over and over again. When it came to bed time I started making up my own stories for her.

I've also tried reading some of my books to her, but she's too young to understand what they mean, and Hemingway doesn't quite have the same effect as Dr. Seuss.

And of course after all of the presents were opened Lory decided that the next activity of the day would be storytime.

She picked out which of her new books she wanted to read, and surprised me by walking over to Luke and handing it to him. He lifted her into his lap and started reading it to her.

After her book Mom put on Christmas movies, which we watched until it was time for lunch. We ate and then Doula was put down for a nap.

We talked, ate, watched more movies, and played with the kids for the rest of the day. Finally after dinner the three of us gathered all of our stuff and loaded it in the truck.

Lory was asleep before we reached the diner, so I carried her upstairs and changed her into her pjs before putting her to bed.

I loaded all of our gifts into my car before heading up and going to bed myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2022 ⏰

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