Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Taylor's pov

"Your coffee." I place the hot cup on his desk. I immediately notice the dark eye bags under those blue eyes that no longer shine like they used to. The messy uncombed hair stays still with a few strands sticking up when he looks up at me and grunts.

It has been weeks since the event. I've tried getting him to open up about the incident but he just looks away and tells me to shut up before my second word comes out. He hasn't changed a bit but turning more into a cold-blooded monster.

Everyone in the office is afraid of him, every time they have to pass on a document for him, they all stand next to my cubicle and wait until I return to my seat or just leave the paperwork on my desk with a memo note saying thank you with a smiley face drawing. People start to pay attention to me whenever I walk past the corridors, whispering to each other and let out shock gasps. They often ask me about how Joe has been doing since no one ever sees him as he shuts off himself in the office.

And that's how I start to have more friends and friendly coworkers. Also, Joe stops giving me the forty dollars coffee money every week, one time, I didn't bring him coffee because I thought he didn't need it anymore, instead, he lashed out and demanded a cup of coffee in less than 10 minutes, luckily, I bought one for myself so I gave that cup to him. So since then, I use my own money to buy my boss's coffee.

"Hm..." He mumbles and I stay still in distance to see if he needs anything else.

"Is it too hot? Or too cold? Or-" He stares at me motionless which looks scary. So I take a step closer and ask politely.

"Will you just stop talking? ARGHH SO ANNO-" Suddenly, he slams the desk with his fist and screams.

"I'm so sorry. I'll leave." I cut him off and walk out of the room right after I finish my sentence. It happens daily, I avoid going into his office as much as possible, the only time that he seems completely normal is when Tina is with him.

(A/N; there goes Tina.. ruining everything again.)

The workload that Joe has given me these past weeks has been increasing to the point where I always have to stay up late for work. It seems like all his work is now all mine and he just has nothing to do at all. I host his meetings now, come up with marketing ideas I learnt from university for him, he barely does his work anymore...Irresponsible.

I bit my lips and shut my eyes. There's so much work, how am I gonna finish this? I sigh as I slowly type in the numbers and words into my laptop. Just then, the phone at the corner of my desk beeps, whenever it beeps, it means that Joe pressed a button and wants me to see him. Oh gosh, more work.

Not wanting to stand up and go in and get yelled at again, a loud groan escapes from my lips. and I unconsciously become too concentrated in my work as the thought of going into Joe's office fades in my head.

"Taylor! Taylor!" A muffled growl comes out from the narrow gap of the opened glass door behind my cubicle. Too focused, I continue working.

"TAYLORR!! TAYY-" A thunderous elevated voice booms into my ears, causing me to shriek and jump up in shock. I scream for my dear life but the scream stops as a large hand covers my mouth. Not gonna lie, that hand smells nice.

(A/N: ew Taylor omg)

Looking up, my eyes are met with blue orbs filled with vexation, Joe.

He scolds me like he always does and piles up my desk with more paperwork that belongs to him. He smirks and sticks out his tongue as I start to protest by standing up, trying to block my desk with my arms.

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