11: "Ingenium's Rebirth"

Start from the beginning

Izuku and Iida come towards the villain.

Iida:"Recipro Extend!"

Izuku:"Detroit Smash!"

The duo hits the villains sides with all their might, being followed by Minato, who lets go of his arms and front-flips.

Minato:"And one more... for good measure!"

Minato hits Stain in the head with an axe kick, making the villain hit the ground hard. Shoto uses his ice to help his friends land and they take Stain's remaining weapons, before tying him up with a rope they found in the garbage. The three then start moving out of the alley. Minato pulling a tied Stain by the rope, Shoto helping Iida and the hero carrying Izuku.

Minato:"(Sarcastic) Ooof course there'd be a rope just lying around in the alley."

Shoto:"What matters is that he's restrained."

Iida:"Amamiya-kun, please allow me to drag him."

Minato:"(Making a plain expression) No."

Iida:"But why? It was my fault th-"

Minato:"Exactly. Plus, you're injured, which is why I'm not getting mad at you until you're all better. (Making a scary expression) So get ready."

Iida gulps nervously, before the hero starts talking to the boys.

Hero:"I'm sorry. I'm supposed to be a pro, but all I did is get in the way."

Minato:"(Smiling) Don't sweat it."

Izuku:"It would've happened to anyone in a one-on-one against the hero killer. He's strong, not to mention his quirk."

Shoto:"Even on a four-on-one fight, we just won because he screwed up. He underestimated Amamiya, despite not knowing his quirk and lost his composure, forgetting that Midoriya's paralysis wore off. And with that final blow... if Amamiya hadn't restrained him, he might have been able to dodge or block the blows."

Iida looks at the ground, feeling disappointed at himself.

Minato:"Well, I was the one who made him regain his composure before that final attack of ours, so..."

"Why are you here!?"

The boys look in the direction the voice came from, seeing an old man in a hero costume coming their way. As he reaches them, he jumps, stomping Izuku in the face, as the three other boys look incredulously.

Izuku:"Gran Torino!"

Gran Torino:"I told you to stay in your seat!"

Calming down, the old man, now known as Gran Torino, starts speaking to Izuku again, ignoring everyone else.

Gran Torino:"Well... I don't know what happened here, but... glad to see you're alive."

Izuku:"I'm sorry."

"Is this the alley he mentioned!?"

The boys look to see a bunch of heroes coming in their direction.


Hero2:"They're badly hurt! Call an ambulance!"

Hero3:"We got a backup request from Endeavor, but..."

Hero4:"Hey, is that... the hero killer!?"

Shoto:"So he's... Endeavor's still fighting over there, then?"

Izuku:"Against those Nomus!?"

Hero5:"Yeah! Those of us whose quirks weren't a good matchup against those villains came to help you guys."

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