All the people in the many rooms leaned back in their chairs or watched from their desks with wide eyes. They weren't used to Crowned Members visiting minor parts of the mafia like this - they weren't even used to any member of the Immediate Family or members in bigger subsections visiting. So seeing someone with such high importance walking through their halls was terrifying and amazing at once.

"Is something bad happening?" One of the coders asked, stopping in front of the supervisor and Taehyung.

"None of your concern," Taehyung answered.

"S-Should I be-"

In a swift movement, Taehyung's gun was in his hand. He shot at the man's foot, sending the guy scrambling backwards and screaming at the top of his lungs. Taehyung never used his gun to kill, he only used it to scare people.

"Get to work," Taehyung said calmly and the man made no other sound as he ran back to his desk.

The entire building seemingly fell into a deep silence as Taehyung and the woman made their way to the person he wanted to see. No one made a sound as they typed and clicked away, sitting straight up and stiff in their seats.

'That's better' Taehyung thought.

They entered an elevator and the supervisor pressed the basement button.

"Should we be concerned?" The woman asked after a short period of silence. "I know you're here to see Yang Jungwon, but I can't help but remember the last time a Crowned Member came here."

The last visitation from a Crowned Member was last year when Hoseok began beefing with a White Hacker. Taehyung didn't care enough to find out what happened between them but Hoseok had walked into the facility without speaking and shot the young boy in the head as soon as he found him without hesitation.

Hoseok had a temper.

"Nothing like that," the redhead stated, "I'm here for personal business so you won't be reporting this to Satan."


The doors to the elevator opened and Taehyung followed the woman down a dark and neglected corridor. Taehyung frowned at the conditions but didn't care enough to say anything. If the Black Hackers weren't happy with the conditions, they would receive complaints and Taehyung knew the people down here never complained.

It was way more quiet in the basement, you couldn't hear talking, typing, clicking, or beeping. It was dead down here and Taehyung liked it that way.

"He's in here," the supervisor said as she opened two large black doors. Taehyung was shocked to see all the high-tech gear inside the room filled with people wearing all black, some even wearing masks. No one talked to each other as they stayed in their own spots, keeping a respectful distance from each other and staring at their bright computer screens.

"These people can get into anything even the FBI and the CIA," the supervisor said.

Taehyung hummed and said, "where's the guy I'm looking for?"

She pointed at the third row from the right. Taehyung followed her finger and saw she was pointing at the only person in the room wearing a colour other than black.

"The guy in pink?" Taehyung asked to which she nodded.

He made his way to the guy, stopping behind him and clearing his throat. The guy didn't hear him and as Taehyung stared at the computer screen, he realized the guy was playing Cool Math Games. Sighing, the redhead tapped the guy in the shoulder with a gloved finger. The guy flinched, throwing his headphones off his head and hitting someone with them. He clicked off the game immediately and his screen went black.

Whirling around in his chair, he stared at his superior with wide eyes.

"Red?!" He shrieked. "Uh- I didn't have anything to do- don't worry, I usually work- I- the game was just passing time-"

"I don't care," the older man said, "did you get what I told you to get?"

The boy nodded, grabbing a binder from the ground underneath his desk and placing it on the empty space atop the desk. He opened it and shown a flashlight on the tabs sticking out from underneath every other file or paper and ran his finger down the opening side. He stopped when he got to a green coloured tab and flipped to it before clicking open the metal holders and taking a thick folder out of its hold.

"Everything I could find on Mr and Mrs. Jeon."

"What about the son's therapy records?"

"Dr. Irel doesn't file anything on his computer, I could only find patient names and his books."

If he and Jimin weren't "fighting" at the moment, Taehyung wouldn't have to go out of his way to acquire these important documents. But even if they weren't fighting, Taehyung knew Jimin was nosy and he didn't want the older man in his personal business.

Taehyung hummed as he took the folder from the young man. He'd have to make do with this and find another way to get Jungkook's files. He didn't plan to snoop too much, he'd rather have Jungkook tell him but figuring out all his other fears would add to the fun.

"This will do," Taehyung said as he slapped $500 on the desk in front of the boy.


Word Count: 1477



" "Why do you want to kidnap him for ransom?" Namjoon asked, shining a flashlight on the young kids' sleeping faces.

"Personal, Luci, you know we don't ask questions around here."

"You don't plan to send him back after we receive the cash, do you?"

Taehyung scoffed. "Pieces of him." "

Deranged // TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now