Before this, Jiang Shang only met the philosophers in the book collection hall.

Obviously, this conversation would be highly unusual. One must know that the invited individuals were all heavyweights of their school of thoughts; the highest existences out of all philosophers.

The only one unhappy about these arrangements was probably Lu Buwei.

After all, he did not receive an invitation. If one mentioned this matter, it actually seemed pretty normal. Lu Buwei did not even get a ‘Zi’ title, so he could not be considered an ancestor of a faction.

On Fallen Star Island, this gathering of saints was an event history would record. As for their exact words, no one knew. Even Ouyang Shuo knew nothing of their exchange.

Only at noon did Jiang Shang finally send someone to tell Xiao He that the philosophers’ debate would officially start the next day.

He also sent out a small paper note.

In the afternoon, Ouyang Shuo sat in the main hall for a meeting with the four directors. Apart from them, Xiao He, as well as one of the representative figures of diplomacy, Zhang Yi, was present.

They were discussing two matters, one being the establishment of a diplomat organization, second would be to settle the philosophers' debate matter.

Fan Zhongyan suggested they name the organization Honglu Temple. Members of the temple would spread the good name of the territory.

The main officer of the Honglu Temple would be called Honglu Temple Minister, taking charge of all diplomacy issues. They would naturally appoint Zhang Yi to the position.

The established Honglu Temple would not be placed under the control of the four departments. Instead, it would report directly to Nanjiang Governor-General House and Ouyang Shuo. The rank of the Honglu Temple Minister would be situated between director and secretary.

The basic level officials and civil servants would be taken from the Administration Department.

The culture and traditions that the Culture and Education Division took charge of had the most similarities to the job of Honglu Temple. Hence, the officials under the Culture and Education Division that they sent to the Honglu Temple could easily pick up Zhang Yi’s teachings.

Apart from that, Ouyang Shuo also granted Zhang Yi the permission to choose elites with good personalities from the school of diplomacy. Zhang Yi could decide all personnel changes.

This trust made Zhang Yi grateful to the point of tears.

"Thank you, Lord, for your trust!"

The moment they established the Honglu Temple, a system notification spread out from his ear.

"System Notification: School of diplomacy representative has moved into Shanhai City, taking charge of the Honglu Temple and accepting disciples. Shanhai City has met the three requirements for a school of thought to move in. The school of diplomacy officially moves into Shanhai City."


"System Notification: School of diplomacy has officially moved in. Shanhai City is awarded the title of ‘Maneuvering Amongst Political Groups’."


When the system notification sounded out, the other players in the China region did not have much of a reaction. Only Hefu and the others, who were on route, felt their faces cramp up.

Problematic fellow!

They were fighting a war here. Meanwhile, their enemy actually stayed in his main base maneuvering amongst political groups.’

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