"What was that? Why would you just drag us away like that? What's going on, Serena?"

"Umm..." I start, unsure if I should start off with the bomb drop, "Nothing! I just didn't want to be there any longer than I had to be."

She looks at me, I feel like she's staring into my soul. She looks me up and down ad sighs, rolling her eyes. She knows something, I don't know what, but something.

"You're either hiding something, or you need to ask me something. Just spit it out, Shrimpy Junior."

"Okay, first off, don't call me that, Second," I take a deep breath in and sigh, "How did you know you liked Luke?"

"Uh, how do I start? I mean, have you seen the guy? He's one tall glass of milk, but I think I knew when he played me his first official song for the band. He just looked straight into my eyes and played, it was almost like the song was for me." Julie says, looking away from me and at the ceiling.

Crap. Crap, crap, crappity-crap, this is not good.

"Wait, why are you asking me this? I mean, you never ask me to talk about Luke, or crushes in general. You were always so grossed out by it. The only way you would ever ask me about this is if........" She furrows her eyebrows together and then her eyes widen the size of saucers.

Fuck. Here it comes, in three, two, one....

"You! You- you like someone! I can't believe it, Serena Facilier; my best friend has a crush!"

"I-" I try, she interrupts me anyway.

"Who is it? Is it someone in the band?" I avert my eyes to the floor, trying to hide my red face.

"SO IT IS! Lets try to narrow it down..... Alex is gay so that won't work, Bobby left so it's obviously not him....... Serena I swear to Hades if you have a crush on Luke, you better back off sister." Julie says, a glare on her face as she points at me in a threatening way. She puts her and down and her face falters in confusion as I almost fall over laughing.

"No, I do not like Luke, Jules. I'd never. As hot as you think he is, I personally don't see it. I'm more into bassists...." I trail off, hoping she got the hint. Her eyes widen and she stands up bringing me with her as she starts jumping up and down. I think she got the hint.

"You- you like Reggie!! Reggie Hook, that's your crush! How did I not see it before? All the seeking off together, the classic haters to lovers story, knowing each other longer than anyone. Oh my gosh, how did I not piece it together before you? Was it today, is that why you asked me? You found out today and you needed proof that it wasn't you going crazy?" I nod. 

How does she know me so well?

"I should've seen it in Reggie too. It's obvious that was a love song and he was looking right at you the entire time he was singing. He totally likes you too."

"Woah, woah, woah, lets not get too crazy."


last night after Julie and Serena went to sleep,


Julie and Serena had gone upstairs suddenly, leaving the boys sitting in a somewhat awkward silence, all three not daring to speak.

Luke and Alex glanced up at each other from time to time, nodding at Reggie each time. They both wanted to know if they were hooking up, but neither of them wanted to ask. Reggie, on the other hand, was very confused and felt left out. Not that he thought they were trying to leave him out, he just wanted to be in on the secret.

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