TWO- Broken Up, Indeed

Start from the beginning

"Ah! Finally!" Sherlock exclaimed.

"Finally what?" Molly asked.

"Good news?" the man asked Sherlock. Anita turned to look at him before turning to John with a questioning look. John was still staring at her, trying to see the lie. Anita O'Malley and Sherlock Holmes were made for each other, they were meant to get married and live out their lives together and then they were going to die and decompose together. What the hell was going on?

"Oh excellent news- the best. There's every chance that my drug habit might hit the newspapers. The game is on," Sherlock said as he walked towards the door. He had to walk past Anita though. He paused next to her and gave her a small, sad look. Anita turned her head away, biting her lip. Sherlock sighed softly at this before carrying on to the door.

"Excuse me for a second," Sherlock said and he left the room. Anita rocked on her feet, shoving her hands in her back pockets. Mary, John, and Molly were still staring at Anita. She huffed before looking up at them.

"Look, it's all very shocking but can we move on? The staring is getting a bit uncomfortable," Anita said, glancing around at them.

"Why? Why did you two do that, Anita? You were perfect together," Mary insisted. Anita sighed, shrugging her shoulders.

"He wanted a break. I'm giving him what he wants," Anita replied, offering a small sad smile. John shook his head before grabbing Anita's arm again. Nope, he was not going to do this today.

"John? What are you doing?" Mary asked him.

"You take the boys home, Mary. I'm taking Anita with me to Baker Street to take Sherlock home and fix...this," John said, using his free hand to gesture vaguely at Anita before attempting to drag her out of the lab.

"Hey! This is borderline abduction," Anita argued, trying to dig her heels into the floor and tugging on her arm. John rolled his eyes before turning around to her.

"No, it's not. Come on, don't make me carry you," John scolded her and Anita mocked him behind his back but allowed him to drag her out of the lab.

Later in the cab, Anita, John, and Sherlock were sitting alone in the back. Anita would normally sit between the two men, but she threw a fit, demanding that John be in between them. John looked over at Anita, watching as she leaned her head against the window, scooted as far away from Sherlock as she could be. John glanced over at Sherlock and realized he was doing the same thing.

"You've heard of Charles Augustus Magnussen, of course," Sherlock said to John.

"Yeah. Owns some newspapers- ones I don't read," John replied. Sherlock frowned and looked out the back window then around the cab, his eyes narrowing at the sight of Anita on the other side of John.

"Hang on- weren't there other people? And why is she here?" Sherlock asked, bitterly.

"Mary's taking the boys home; I invited Anita along to take you home and maybe we can fix whatever the hell is wrong with you two," John said, sternly. Sherlock rolled his eyes and Anita huffed, slumping in her seat. The rest of the cab ride was silent until they finally pulled up to 221 Baker Street.

"What is my brother doing here?" Sherlock asked after he saw the door. John and Sherlock walked up to the door, leaving Anita to pay the cabbie before following.

"He straightened the knocker. He always corrects it. He's OCD. Doesn't even know he's doing it," Sherlock said as he pushed the knocker to one side then let himself in.

"Why'd you do that?" John asked him.

"Do what?" Sherlock replied.

"Nothing," John said as he opened the door for Anita, who stayed planted outside.

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