Chapter 2 - The Friend Request

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A few moments after, everyone got settled in their seats. The professor turned the smartboard on, displaying the syllabus. Taking one look at it, I knew passing this class wouldn't be as easy as I thought. Now I really regretted dropping French. 

"Merhaba students, welcome to Turkish 101. My name is Professor Omer. I have been teaching Turkish for five years now" For a Professor who has been teaching for five years, he seemed a little agitated. He kept fidgeting with his wedding band and looking through papers while introducing himself.

"Before we get started, does anyone in this room know Turkish or have family or friends in Turkey and just want to learn the language to communicate with them?"

Even though I am not an experienced Turkish speaker, I could not help but raise my hand. I needed those participation points to cover my attendance. I started looking at the syllabus on the smartboard, beginning to calculate my overall grade. I needed to get a B+ in this class to keep my GPA above 3.3.

"Ahh, yes, Zulekha...Rashid." The Professor read off of the attendance sheet. 

"How did you become interested in learning the Turkish language?" Professor Omer seemed relieved that at least one student was ready to participate and not seem unaware.

Yusuf slowly turned his head around to look at me upon hearing my name. I could assume he never knew someone named Zulekha.

"Well, my siblings and I watch a lot of Turkish dramas, and we learned many words

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"Well, my siblings and I watch a lot of Turkish dramas, and we learned many words. I am Indian, but I have an Uncle who lives in Istanbul and would love to visit him someday. He always tells me how beautiful it is there."

"Yes, it is beautiful, and you should visit. I have family there also. Thank you for sharing. Who else?" The Professor browsed across the room to see anyone else wanting to share. Many students had a blank look on their faces like they had no idea what Professor Omer just asked. 

 "Participation is 20% of your grade, guys. I understand you are nervous being this your first class, but I would like to see more hands raised next week. If not, I will start picking on you randomly."

Yusuf turned back around, facing the board, and started to take notes.

As soon as class ended, I received a message from my mom

Did u go to your sister's place? She is waiting, don't be late and she made lunch for you.

The relationship between sisters is always a love or hate one. There is no in-between. Even though my sisters annoy the hell out of me at times, I wouldn't think twice before taking a bullet for them. My brother Zaid got married and relocated to Canada when I was ten, coming to meet us in summer and on Eid. However, my sisters and I have always been close even after they got married and moved out. 

I couldn't wait to see what she made me for lunch. Out of all three of my sisters, Sumaiya makes the best food. Everyone in the family agrees she has my mom's touch.

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