Duff x Izzy

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A/N: a special thank you goes out to Ziggy-Stardust for the idea :)

This was at least the third time this week that Izzy woke up to sobbing and whimpering noises. He usually ignored it but he sensed something wasn't quite right... It wasn't usual for Duff to have so many panic attacks.

Izzy turned around to face Duff, who was lying in bed right next to him. "Duff, is everything okay..?" He asked, lightly touching Duff's arm.

Duff flinched, he was a bit startled. "I just-" He tried to explain himself. "I- I don't know." He managed to speak but it felt like he was running out of air.

"It's ok, I'm here." Izzy said running his hand through Duff's tangled hair in hopes of trying to calm him down. "Shhh... Calm down." He said, calmly.

"Sorry..." Duff sobbed, turning his head away so he wouldn't have to face Izzy. He felt kind of embarrassed to be seen crying his eyes out in the middle of the night.

"Oh come here, you don't need to apologise." Izzy said, wrapping his arms around Duff's shoulders and pulling him down to lay on his chest. Izzy couldn't help but wonder what prompted these mental breakdowns?

The feeling of comfort and safety calmed Duff down, his breathing was still sharp and fast. "I didn't want you to see me like this..." He continued to sob.

Izzy moved his hand up to continues stroking through Duff's long hair. "Sweetheart, could you explain why you feel this way?" He was a bit old-fashioned when it came to nicknames.

"I don't know... I just feel trapped a-and.." He breathed in, sharply. "I really don't know." Duff wiped his teary eyes with his palm.

"I understand." Izzy whispered, gently planting a kiss on the top of Duff's head.

Duff's face was all wet from the tears. "I wish I wasn't like this... Why can't I just feel normal?" He continued to cry out.

"Duff, I love you so much and you mean a lot to me. I wouldn't have you any other way. Emotions are complicated but I'm glad I can help you get through this."

"Izzy..." He spoke, feeling very touched by it. He didn't know anyone else who would put up with his mental health as much as his lover. He started crying more, making a small puddle of tears on Izzy's white shirt.

"Oh baby..." Izzy pulled Duff closer to cuddle. He always seemed to calm down when he was in the guitarist's embrace. "Remember, deep breaths... Breathe in, hold it for a few seconds and then breathe out."

Duff followed Izzy's instructions, it took a lot of strength for his limps to not tremble and take in a sharp breath again but after the exercises, his heart did feel lighter.

Izzy noticed that and smiled, he was happy that he could help. "Good job sweetheart, now do that again. You'll feel better."

"I love you Izzy." Duff smiled faintly before taking a deep breath. "I love you so much..." He then added, closing his eyes. He felt so tired from staying up late, not being able to sleep and crying his eyes out every other night.

"I love you too." He smiled before gently kissing Duff on the lips. It didn't even take a minute for the two of them to peacefully drift away to sweet unconsciousness.

-- BONUS --

Once the sun had risen a banging could be heard at the door of Izzy and Duff's room before it opened, not waiting for any response.

"Hey what the fuck was all that noise last night?" Axl exclaimed.

Izzy opened his eyes. "Shut up, Duff is sleeping..!" he replied.

Axl chuckled mischievously. "Alright, love birds." He smirked. "But I still want my question answered."

"You see... Well Duff, he... I'm not sure if he would want you to know." He shrugged.

"Holy shit, what did you have to do to make him cry that hard. I didn't know you were into that." Axl began laughing.

Izzy sighed. "No Axl, no..." He contemplated telling Axl what exactly happened. "Axl, he had a mental breakdown again."

A confused and kind of concerned look appeared on Axl's face. "Again? Get him a psychologist or something." He said, walking closer to the bed and sitting down beside Izzy and Duff. "You know, Duff is a lucky guy to have you."

"I'm lucky to have him too." He chuckled.

A subtle but happy smile appeared on Duff's face, indicating he heard everything and was awake. He was still laying on Izzy's chest, just like last night.

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