Steven x Duff [School AU]

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A/N: I actually spent some time deciding on the plot. I made some drafts and just picked out the parts I liked and so we ended up with this. Enjoy :)

Steven always waited for Duff outside his house since they would go to school together. Other kids would always tease them for it, calling them a couple. They were best friends, it kind of sucked since they were in different classes since Steven was a year younger than Duff.

"Hi, Duffy!" Steven greeted his friend once he saw him walk out of his house.

Duff smiled at the popcorn haired boy. "Good morning Stevie." He said as both of them started walking.

They were friends for about 5 years now. The two of them lived about 5 minutes from each other so they spent a lot of time together.

"I can't believe that it's the last month before summer." Steven smiled to himself again. "And I guess that means that you're going to graduate soon..." He sighed, not wanting to part ways with his friend.

Duff glanced back at his friend. "Don't be sad Popcorn, I'm not going to be moving very far, it's just an hour drive." He tried to cheer up the younger boy. "We can still hang out together every weekend if you want."

"Aww, I'd love that!" He quietly laughed. His laugh was so pure and cute. "When does school end for you today?" Steven asked.

"Around 3 P.M." Duff shrugged. "What about you Stevie?"

"Oh me too! So we can walk back home together? " He replied. He really wanted to walk back home together today. No particular reason, he just felt happier and safer.

The two of them continued to talk about something while walking to school. Then they separate ways when their lessons started.

Steven was struggling in math class while Duff was taking notes in geography. They spent the whole day walking from one classroom to another. The boys spent the rest of their day attending their classes as per usual.

And after a few hours of struggling to understand the topic the teachers were talking about, classes were finally over. Duff waited for Steven outside until the boy showed up.

"Hi, Stevie." He greeted him for the third time that day.

"Hey Duff, classes were exhausting." the shorter boy sighed.

"Hmmm... Friday party at my place?" Duff suggested.

"You already know the answer, I'll just call my mom to let her know." He said as took out his phone from the pocket of his jeans as the two of them started walking.

The journey to Duff's house wasn't too long. Steven mostly talked about all sorts of crazy conspiracy theories he had read on the internet. Duff let him speak, he found it adorable when Steven would talk about what he's passionate about, plus it was generally interesting. Time flew by so quickly, it felt like they reached the taller boys' house in about 5 minutes. Duff's mom was out of town for the weekend so they had the house all to themselves.

"Can we watch a movie?" Steven asked after entering the house.

"Sure Stevie, whatever you like." He smiled back warmly. "Anything for you."

The curly-haired boy went to sit down on the couch in front of the TV and switched through some channels before he found an interesting enough movie to watch together. Duff sat down next to Steven. Though the taller boy was having a weird feeling in his stomach.

He never saw Steven more as a friend and was sure that he was straight but something about him just seemed so innocent and pure. The type that's easy to fall in love with. Duff still tried to deny it, but then the next question lingered, did Steven like Duff back? He was very affectionate but that's just his personality... The adorable nicknames they gave each other, feeling happy around one another. There were so many signs and hints but neither of them decided to acknowledge it.

Steven leaned onto Duff, putting his head onto the other boy's shoulder.

The taller boy panicked, he didn't know what to do and it felt so awkward. The only logical thing he came up with would be to put his arm around Steven and pull him closer. The shorter boy took it as a hint and wrapped his arms around Duff. The two of them could hear their heartbeats. Steven's was calmer than the taller boy's. It was honestly surprising that Duff wasn't having a panic attack by now.

Duff wasn't thinking straight, he couldn't focus on anything. So naturally, he spoke at a very awkward moment. "Hey, Stevie... I have been thinking about this and I think I might be gay..." he said very nervously.

"Duffy- why do you think so?" The shorter boy asked calmly.

"Well obviously, I like particular boy." He replied, trying to stay as calm as he can.

"I... I think I do too..." He said, sitting back up and looking Duff in the eyes. He connected their lips together for a brief moment before breaking the kiss apart. Duff cupped Stevens checks and Steven did the same before exchanging a long and passionate kiss.

Their bodies sinking into one another and their tongues exploring each other's mouths. Duff's hands wandered around until he decided to grab Steven's ass. The smaller boy didn't expect that, he let out a small gasp before digging his hands into Duff's already messy hair and gently tugging on it.

"I didn't think you liked me in this way..." Duff admitted after they broke the kiss.

"Of course I do! I thought you'd get the hints by now." He chuckled.

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