Steven x Duff [Part 2]

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A/N: Thank you for the request loverbabyfighter!!!

Steven had a rough time trying to fall asleep. Duff was snoring right next to him. "Hey, Duff..." He whispered, turning to face the taller man. "Duffy..!" he said, a bit louder this time.

Duff grunted as he opened his eyes to look at Steven's face, seeing his features in the pale moonlight that was shining through the window. "What?" He whispered back.

The curly-haired boy sighed. "I can't fall asleep... But I'm so tired." He complained.

"How am I supposed to help?" Duff asked, struggling to even keep his eyes open.

"Cuddles..?" Steven answered. It was quite a risky question, seeing as it will be awkward if he denies it. Though chances are that he will simply agree due to the fact Duff was so tired.

Duff exhaled. "Of course Stevie, but just this one time." He said as his arms wrapped around Steven's waist.

He definitely said that last time Steven insisted on cuddles.

Stevie put his arms up against Duff's chest and melted into the taller boy's touch. "You're the best." He smiled. "Goodnight Duffy..."

"Night Popcorn..." He yawned and hugged the smaller boy tightly as his mind started to drift away into a pleasant unconsciousness for the rest of the night.

Steven found the hug comforting. He loved receiving affection, especially from Duff. Unfortunately, the peace was broken by a voice echoing through the room.

"Good morning Mckagan-" Slash said entering the room. "And Steven." He added.

Duff didn't want to get up, instead, he dug his face into Steven's curly hair to avoid having to get up.

Steven quickly turned around to face the door where his band-mate was standing. "Good morning Slash." He said with a smile and a yawn.

"How did you even end up like this..? You know, all cuddled up..?" Slash asked, looking at the two boys.

Steven's cheeks heated up as he realised how close Duff was. "I asked if we could cuddle since I was having trouble falling asleep... I guess he never really let me go after that." He chuckled.

"I see... Well, I'm just here to inform you that we won't record today. Axl has a sore throat." Slash smiled back. The two blondies were definitely in love. Steven always got his way with Duff, but only him. Everyone else didn't give in to Steven's plans so easily. "Come down for breakfast. Izzy made pancakes." He smiled before leaving the room, not bothering to close the door.

"Let's stay in bed just a little longer..." Duff yawned.

"But Duffy, I'm hungry." Stevie sighed, nudging Duff's shoulder a bit.

Duff let out a silent sigh as he released Steven from the hug and say up on the bed. His hair looked like a bird's nest. "Fine, I'll be down in a couple of minutes. You can go, I know how much you love pancakes." He said while getting up to try and tame his hair.

The shorter boy smiled as he got up and went down to the kitchen where he sat down and ate his breakfast.

Duff entered the kitchen a few minutes later, his hair looking fluffy after brushing it. Though he looked anxious for some reason... "Izzy, I need to talk to you, privately." He said, dragging the black-haired man to another room.

Izzy looked up at Duff. "What seems to be on your mind?" He asked, noticing the anxious look in Duff's eyes.

"It's about Steven..." He sighed. "I feel really weird around him." Duff whispered.

Izzy chuckled. "So you're into dudes?"

The tall bassist blushed. "I-I don't know... I've never felt this way about anyone, and I've had a couple of girlfriends before." He wasn't even sure what the feeling meant.

"Don't stress too much about it, I don't want you having another panic attack." Izzy put a hand on Duff's shoulder.

"Just promise not to tell..." Duff's heartbeat began to calm down.

"I won't, I can keep a secret." He said before going back to the kitchen together.

Duff sat down beside Steven to try and talk to him. "How did you sleep?" He asked, smiling.

"Good! You're an excellent cuddler." Steven chuckled softly.

Duff was caught off guard with the compliment. "Oh- I... You too." He said awkwardly, mentally slapping himself. "Stevie, I was wondering... Would you like to spend the day with me in the city? You know... Just the two of us?" He said, very nervously.

Steven caught on that Duff was behaving really strangely. "I'd love to! But I think you might be sick, are you feeling ok?" He asked, putting the back of his hand to Duff's forehead. It was sweaty.

"N-no, I'm definitely fine." the taller bassist tried to laugh it off.

"You're obviously not ok." Steven sighed, Duff seemed to be fine a few minutes ago when he woke up. "How about we spend today relaxing, like watching a movie." He suggested.

"Yeah, that's a good idea." Duff replied, this time he seemed to be trying to calm down. He got worked up easily.

The shorter blonde took Duff by the hand, dragging him to the living room and started switching channels until he found the movie channel.

"Ghost Busters, again?" Duff chuckled. He actually loved the movie, he sat down on the couch before Steven decided to plop himself right next to him, putting his head onto the taller boy's shoulder.

Duff wrapped his arm around the shorter boy, it was rather comfortable. "Comfy?" He asked.

Steven chuckled, snuggling into Duff's touch. "Yup! Couldn't have been better." He said softly, staring at the TV screen.

Duff could feel Steven's body become more relaxed as he watched the movie. Soon enough he seemed to be fast asleep. He looked absolutely adorable and calm. Duff stared at Steven, observing his facial features and his very fluffy hair. The taller boy took the opportunity to gently plant a small kiss onto Steven's forehead. Sure, he was feeling embarrassed and selfish but it also weirdly felt right.

A giggle escaped from Steven's lips. "Aww..." He chuckled.

Shit. He wasn't even asleep and Duff had embarrassed himself for good.

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