Slash x Axl [School AU]

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A/N: Hello! Just a slight warning before you proceed, there are mentions of 🍋but nothing more. Oh and also they get high on 🍃 so Yeah- hope you enjoy!

Axl and Slash were the best known troubles makers in the whole school. They were good friends since first grade baiscally. The teachers HATED their guts. They just did typical 10th grader stuff, you know... Moaning in class, pulling on girls' hair, smoking in the boys room.

But now currently they were once again in the principals office for disturbing the class.

"Hudson, Rose... How many times have you've been sent here already?"

"6..?" Slash replied, shrugging.

"Exactly, and it's the first week of a new school year. You already have detention for the rest of the month, don't you get tired of this?" The principal was trying to be nice, but the boys were getting on her last nerve.

Silence, neither one of the boys responded.

"Listen, I really do not want to suspend or expell you from school so please try to be mindluf of others you two. Now I suggest going to your next class." the Principal said as the bell rang. Lucky, this time they got off with a warning, probably one of the last ones.

They got up and went to their last class for the day before detention. "Will you wanna go out to smoke after this?" The curly haired boy asked.

Axl dramatically put his hand on his chest. "You know me so well Slasher." He smiled.

All of the students enter the final class of the day, History. A truly boring lesson . The teacher had a monotone voice and some kids sometimes even fell asleep.

After what felt like and eternity of taking notes on paper you're probably going to end up throwing away anyway, the lesson was finally over.

Slash and Axl tried to sneak out but little did they know the principal was standing right outside the classroom and pulled them aside. "Are you in a hurry?" she asked.

Axl got a bit startled. "No ma'am.." He sighed and then the two were accompanied by the principal to the detention class where there was a few other kids and a superviser to keep an eye on them. The kids usually did thir homework.

The worst thing was that Axl and Slash were seated in different corners of the room, it felt like they were seperated by seven oceans.

Though that didn't stop the two boys from creating chaos in the classroom. Cracking inappropriate jokes, moaning loudly just for fun, disrespecting the teacher in general.

Honestly the teacher was more relieved by the end of the class than anyone else there. It was like hell with the two trouble makers.

"Wanna go to that one abandoned place I told you about? We could get high there." Axl whispered into the curly haired boys' ear.

"Oh hell yes." He grinned before the both of them were on their way. It was about a 30 minute walk from the school. It was just a small abandoned building. There was still some furniture there like tables and chairs and what not.

Once the duo had the building in sight they sprinted over there to see who was faster.

"Haha! I won!" Slash's voice could be heard.

"Not fair! We basically finished at the exact same time, it was a tie!" The ginger haired boy crossed his arms.

"Doesn't matter... I got the good stuff..!" He exclaimed before going to a room that had a few tables. Slash sat on the ground and opened his backpack. There were precisely 4 blunts. 2 extras just incase the first ones don't hit as hard.

Axl sat on one of the tables as he observed Slash sticking the blunt into his mouth and proceed to then hand one to him. Luckily the ginger had a lighter. He pulled it out from his pocket and lit their joints.

"I tried a bigger amount of weed in these." He said while deciding to sit next to Axl.

"I can already tell, damn these are good..." He smiled. Only after a few minutes he could feel the room moving.

Slash sighed. "I'm still bumed out about my girl friend cheating on me..."

"Cheat on her then." Axl said, being higher than a plane.

"With who? Do you think there will be any hot chicks near? Of course not!" He exclaimed, taking another hit from the joint.

"Me, pretend I'm some sexy chick that wants you. Plus, I won't tell your girl that you cheated on her with me." Axl said suggestively. It didn't even sound like a joke.

Slash was flustered to say the least. They never really liked eachother like that but they both didn't even mind the thought, probably becuase they're high.

"Sure, I'm desperate." the curly haired boy said before standing up and hugging Axl by his waist before beggining to place kisses on the ginger haired boys' face.

It tickled so Axl giggled a bit before wrapping his legs around Slash's waist. He then went to play with the other boys' curly hair while he could feel the kisses trailing down onto his neck. "You're so good at this..!" he exclaimed before jerking his head back to reveal his bare neck.

After about 5-10 minutes there were definetely a few purple and pink bruises on the gingers neck and Slash's hair was a total mess. Then shirts were being partially undone before the two or them heard a sound from outside the room. Turning their heads to the entrance two silhouettes could be made out.

"What the... I thought you said this place was abandoned.." said the shorter figure standing there.

Slash squinted a bit before realising it is two very fimiliar figures. "Duff! Izzy! What the hell are you doing here!?" He exclaimed, his hands moving away from Axl's hips.

"Izzy..? I swear this isn't what it looks like.. I'm high as hell right now." He tried explain himself, still sitting on the table with his legs around Slash.

"Slash... Don't you have a girlfriend?" Duff asked, slowly stepping into the room. "You're both high and will regret this."

"Duff, long story, she Baiscally cheated on me and I had to get back at her." the dark haired boy responded.

"I'm taking you all to my house.. My folks are out for a few days. You can't go home looking like this." Duff sighed before leading Izzy and the two others to his house.

A/N: Requests are open as always!

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