Axl x Slash [Part 1]

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A/N: So my good friend 1yourdaddy and brainstormed some ideas and came up with this. In this story, Axl and Slash are kinda like parents to Izzy, Duff and Steven. Duff and Steven are twins and Izzy is the older brother.
Duff - 3 y.o.
Steven - 3 y.o.
Izzy - 8 y.o.

It has been a long time since Axl and Slash had a proper vacation, so why not organise one? Things haven't been the same since they adopted 3 kids. This would be their first vacation together.

"Izzy, won't you be a good kid and go ask your brothers if they're ready to go?" Slash asked in a sweet voice. They would leave in about 10 minutes.

Axl was in the twins' room and helping them pack everything up. Izzy went up to their room. "Are you ready to go yet?" He asked excitedly. "Dad says we'll go in about... 10 minutes." Izzy then added.

"Then tell dad that it ain't easy to pack all of the things a pair of 3-year-olds need," Axl responded a bit frustrated, he was "the mom" in the family. Steven and Duff were trying to help Axl.

After a couple of minutes, everyone was ready to go. They hopped into the car before Slash started the engine and began driving. They were going to the beach and staying in a small beach house. The perfect romantic vacay Axl and Slash needed. The twins were sitting next to each other in their baby seats. Steven continuously bugged Duff by pulling onto his hair for no reason, just to cause chaos.

"Steven... Stop! I don't like it." Duff slapped away his brother's hand.

Steven chuckled and continued to tease Duff.

Duff kept slapping away Steven's hand. "Fuck off!" He yelled out.

Axl gasped before turning around to look at what all the fuss was about. "Duff, where did you learn that from?" He asked in a serious voice.

"You say it all the time. And that stupid Steven was annoying me on purpose..." Duff crossed his arms. Meanwhile, Slash was laughing his ass off.

"You can't say that word, Duff. It isn't a nice word, ok? You'll get into serious trouble if I hear you say it again." He explained calmly. "And Steven, stop hurting your brother like that." He said before turning his head back around to face the road. Axl took a deep breath and sighed. "No one told me it would be this much work to raise some kids..."

Slash let out a light laugh. "Don't worry Axl, they'll grow out of it. I can't wait to spend some time with you when we finally get there." He said while putting his hand on Axl's thigh.

Axl gently removed Slash's hand from his thigh. "Babe, just pay attention to the road." He said calmly before looking out of his window, the sun hitting him in the face.

Izzy tried to fall asleep, he brought a pillow with him to have something to put his head onto. He was already asleep judging by how relaxed he looked.

The drive wasn't short, it would take about 3 hours just to reach the town they were going to stay in. Slash put on some music to pass the time, nothing too heavy seeing that Izzy had fallen asleep. And by the looks of it, Axl might have too. He did stay up late last night for whatever reason.

"Are we there yet?" the twins asked for about the 15th time. They were excited to go swimming in the sea.

"No, we have about 3 hours of road left. We're probably going to arrive at around 8 P.M." Slash replied.

"Boring... Big brother and papa are asleep. There's nothing to do and I don't want to talk with Steven." Duff sighed as he looked out the window.

Steven nudged Duff. "But I want to talk to you! I'm older, you should listen to me."

Duff looked back at Steven, clearly annoyed. "No, I'm older! You're the little brother." He argued, pulling on Steven's blonde and curly hair.

"Ow! You bitch!" Steven exclaimed, not entirely sure what that meant.

"Stevie! Watch your mouth. That isn't a nice word." Slash said, looking into the car mirror to see the two boys fighting and giving them a serious glare. "You better apologise. Both of you, I don't want you two to be fighting."

They both looked at each other before saying sorry. They still didn't understand why they couldn't say certain words that their parents could say.

The rest of the ride was pretty quiet, only the radio playing soft rock hits. They arrived near their small beach house at around 8 P.M. as planned. Slash left everyone in the car and went to speak to the owner of the house that he had rented it from before returning to the car to wake everyone up and to move in their backpacks and suitcases into the small house. It was so cosy and perfect.

"Me and your papa are going to share a bedroom and you two and your big brother are going to have an even bigger room all to yourselves." Slash explained while showing the kids around the small house.

Izzy was looking very sleepy since he hasn't processed that they finally arrived. He just brought his things into their room with three beds and plopped onto one of them. 

"I'm going to order some pizza from the local pizza place, I know everyone's hungry." Axl said as he grabbed his phone out of his pocket.

"Yay pizza! Izzy, did you hear that?" Steven walked up to Izzy's bed before bouncing on it. The sleepy boy just let out a hum for an answer before rolling over onto his back.

The pizza took about 20 minutes to be delivered. Axl called everyone to the dining room to eat. Steven, Duff and Izzy loved it, it was way better than the pizzas at home.

Slash sat next to Axl. "Will you want to have some fun after you put the kids to sleep?" Slash asked suggestively. It was already kind of late and Axl didn't want the kids to have messed up sleep schedules.

"Trust me, I'd love to but just not tonight. The kids will be sleeping right next to our room." Axl replied.

"Don't worry baby, there's always next night." Slash shrugged before taking another bite of pizza.

A/N: Part 2 will be out shortly, be patient.

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