Burning Tears / I need my comfort sheep [ Tw: angst,death,scars etc. ]

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Ghostbur POV (a/n like a diary entry lol)
It's been two months already since he dropped me here.
A lonely, dark old railway station.
He couldn't really remember anything.
How he got here.
Just pain.
Tommy screaming,Sam screaming,Dream laughing.
And a train. A train that led him here.
Dream vanished after that. Sometimes I hear his voice tho.
I miss friend.
I-am so lonely here.
And who are the others.
I hope they're ok.

3.Persons POV.
He cried again,dark blue tears running down his face,burning his skin.

Ghostbur POV
It hurt so much. This pain was nothing he ever felt before. He could see the scars under his eyes. He must have cried a lot over the past two months. They looked a bit like ranboos scars. He checked his pockets for some blue. Just a tiny bit was left.
„Pls come back Dream,let me free.Please. Please." he cried out.
Hopefully Tommy was taking good care of friend.
Hopefully he was planning to get him outa here.
Wherever here was.
Friends POV.
Tommy hasn't talked much since he got back from the prison.
He didn't exactly told what happened but I can guess.
Ghostbur was gone. And this,this copy appeared.
I don't like him to be honest. He seems like a shit person to be around with.
I hope Ghostbur is doing ok. I miss him. So much.
Tommy has taken grate take of me.
I think he feels bad.
I wish I could ask him what happened in the prison.
But he doesn't understand me. Will did. He was the only one.
I wish I could be with him.

A/n : Hahaha I did this 🙂 Feedback appreciated 😍😜🤚🏻 279 Words! And yes I miss Ghostbur,iam drawing and writing angst all day now and iam in pain.

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