[𝟑𝟗] 𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞

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"Oh, okay." Then Ellie smiles at me again, squeezing my hand. "Thank you for telling me, Grace. I know that must be a little uncomfortable for you-- especially because we don't know each other very well."

I nod. Keep talking so Ray doesn't fucking make you try on clothes, come on. "You were bound to find out, I think. We've been hanging out for a little bit so if you didn't get the hint from Sam's alarms and yelling at me to eat, then somebody had to tell you."

She laughs before Ray starts looking through the rack of clothes. She picks out a few tops in my size and my eyes widen.

I start to slowly back away toward the door but she says, "Don't even think about it," without looking at me.


"I heard you, Grace."

See, what did I tell you.


"Grace! Come out now, dude!" I heard Ray.

I finally admit, "They don't fit, Rachel!"

"Bullshit! I know your size!"

This stubborn ass-licker. "Fine! Come see for yourself, shit-wiper!"

I unlock the changing room door and after a moment both Ray and Ellie come inside, closing and locking the door before looking at me through the mirror.

"Oh, shit. You're right."

"No fuck, Rachel-Mae." She rolls her eyes at me before leaving the changing room.

"Is it just me or are your boobs getting bigger?"

I take off the shirt that won't get past my breasts. The shirt itself is tight so I didn't really think too much about it. Frowning and turning to my side, I look at how they appear from the side.

I hum. "Now that I think about it, they have. But they don't look bigger, they look swollen."

"Can I see?"

Usually, I'd say, "No, I don't fucking know you, weirdo." But Sam told me that Ellie was studying to be a doctor.

Unhooking my bra, I let it fall down my arms.

She frowns as she concentrates, her eyes flickering between each of my breasts. She gently presses her fingers to the side of one of them and I jump back.


"Grace, have you been feeling sick recently?" She asks, a worried look on her face.

I nod. "Yeah, actually, I think I might have a stomach bug. I threw up really bad this morning. Why?"

"Have you been really tired? Or like- blah." Laughing at the sound she makes as she continues to press down on my boobs here and there, I shrug.

"I guess? But that just happens a lot with me because of my anxiety-- why are you asking me all these questions?"

"Have you had sex, Grace?" She asks bluntly, narrowing her eyes at me suspiciously. Come a-fucking-gain?

I narrow my eyes at her as I pull my bra back on and clasp it.


She bites down on her lip hesitantly before she says, "Either you have a really weird stomach bug or you're pregnant."

Ray drops the shirts she brought. When did she get here?

"We're leaving." She says before walking out of the changing rooms. Ellie follows behind her as I close the door and quickly put back on my clothes. My mind is racing and my head is throbbing as each and every thought starts pounding against my skull. I can't get pregnant, though. This is just a false alarm. I'm just sick or something. I follow after the girls as we make our way toward the food court.

"Where are we going?" I ask. This is all so weird. There's no way I have a fucking thing growing inside me. "To get Annie." Ray snaps. You and your attitude can eat my ass, you bitch.

Once we make it to the food court we spot Annie right away. Ellie jogs up to Annie and whispers something in her ear, making her grab her shit as fast as she can.

Soon all three of us are running out of the mall-- for what? I have no idea. I just hope I'm not actually going to have a kid.

I mean, I'm eighteen. Two years ago I was sixteen, and then two years before that I was fourteen. And fourteen is just a year after thirteen. I'm a kid. I can't have a kid.

We walk across the street and go inside of the gas station, rushing around each aisle in search of a hopefully useless pregnancy test.

"HAH! I found them!" Annie cheers.

I glare at her. What's this bitch happy for? "You're happy that I'm going to have a child, Annie?"

"No, I'm happy I'm going to be the sexy, fun aunt."

"Shut the fuck up, Annabelle." Ray rolls her eyes, tugging a box off of the little thingy it was hanging on. She walks over to the counter and pays for it before ushering all of us into the family bathroom.

"Piss on the stick, woman!" Annie claps excitedly as I open the box. I scowl at her, pulling the little bag out and throwing the box at her head. "Ow!"

"Turn around, weirdos!"

"You act like-"

"Shut up, Rachel."

They turn around. I open the bag and pull out one of the tests. Eventually, I pee on both and get up, pulling on my pants before zipping them.

"Please be pre-"

"So you want to die?"

Annie starts laughing loudly, throwing her head back. "I'm kidding! I'm kidding!"

"What are you going to do?" Ellie pipes up. I frown in confusion and she repeats herself. "What are you going to do if you are pregs? Are you going to tell Sam or get an abortion or... any other option."

"Fuck them kids all the way but... if I am pregnant? If I'm pregnant with Sam's kid? I'm keeping the kid."

"When did you guys even... do it?" Ellie asks.

"While we were visiting family. It was... really... it happened out of nowhere." I smile at the memory. "He was showering and you know that thing about me trying to push my limits? I wanted him to see me. I wanted to feel comfortable enough to let him see the part... the parts of myself that he's been trying so hard to help me fall in love with. So, I started getting undressed. And then he got out and helped me finish undressing. It was really hot." I laugh. "Then we got in the shower and he asked me if he could touch me, and he made a really dumb sex joke and he asked if I wanted to have sex. I said yes and he told me that after we showered, we could. And we did."

"Did you guys not wear a condom?" Ray frowns.

"No," I admit. "I told him I'd get a plan B after knowing damn well I wouldn't."

Annie shakes her head, confused. "So, you wanted to get pregnant?"

"What? No, of course not."

"Then why didn't you get condoms or a plan B?" Ellie asks me, moving to stand next to me.

"I read something about bulimia patients that had trouble with fertility due to their eating disorder fucking up their body in some way. So, I was like-- 'okay, I had a bulimia phase when I was going through all that. Let me go see a doctor.' And I did and they told me that the chance of me getting pregnant was little to none. That's why I didn't get a plan B or buy condoms. I couldn't have kids. I thought I couldn't have kids."

"Gracie..." Ellie pulls me into her side, squeezing me tight.

"And they also told me that the chances of being able to carry a child successfully... basically the chances of me losing this kid is high if I keep it anyway. So..."

"Grace..." Ray trails off. I wipe my eyes, shrugging.

"It's okay. There are other options-"

"Grace, they're both positive."

I turn on my heels to face her, my eyes wide as she holds up my pregnancy tests.

I'm pregnant.

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