Can't even get a spring break

Start from the beginning

"So a guardian then? Ok then. You run off, its gonna get crazy in there." He warned Adam. 
"Ok, and thanks a lot." Adam went back to where violet and jimmy is. 

"So is anyone having a good time?" Adam asked Jim and violet. "I am, just finding things from the beach. You can also find fish at the water." Jim said. "I'm having an ok time, but don't you get the feeling something is off?" Violet said. "Is the guy with red eyes seems off?" Violet eyes wide when Adam said the red eyes part. "Hold on, you saw the guy with red eyes?" Violet said wanting to know the answer. "Um, yes." Adam replied. Violet remembered the goth girl she saw earlier also had red eyes, but her eyes has red irises. Violet now realizes it all came together. Before she would conclude her answer, A female voice called. 

"Alright spring breakers! Y'all ready to get fucked up and make some bitchin' bad choices?!" The crowd went wild, and one guy tore his shirt off with a verosika name on his bare chest. 
"This is your final boarding call, all aboard." She proceeds to sing to the crowd while the Fuck you blitzo came up on screen. Adam, violet, and Jim shared a curious and a confused look at each other. "Who the crap is blitzo?" Jim wondered.  Adam and violet shrugs in response. But unknowing to them, Blitzo is present, and is very angry when he saw those words on screen.

Her song and charm had made the crowd acted weird, very weird. Then things gotten spicy out there, as some started to make out and so on. Eventually it reached to Adam violet, and Jim. As they noticed something was not right with themselves. "Guys, why am i suddenly acting weird?" Jim started to feel a bit strange. "That girl looked hot. Adam suddenly realizes what he said. "Hold on. Why did I just say that?" Violet started to look a bit close as she tried to fight this feeling. When she did she looked at her eyes had pink with yellow sclera. Another detail violet notices is she had slit pupils. Now it all makes sense. There's demons.

 Violet watched the way she walked while singing. And it was enough proof to conclude that pop star Verosika is a succubi. "Oh shit. Violet ran a little fast while trying to fight this charm effect. She made it to Adam while he tried his best to fight it, and Jim is not having much luck. "Guys we need to move now!" She yelled. "What's the problem?" Jim said almost under the charm. "We got a demon problem." Adam stood up. "What? Here?" This answer surprised Adam. "Yes, and we'll end up in the crowd if we don't get a move on." The three tried to get away from the area, and hid behind one of the big beach umbrella. Violet slapped Jim, Adam, and herself to get their act together. 

"What was that for?" Jim asked a little irritated. "I thought its the only way for the charm effect to stop." Violet said. "I thought everything is gonna be alight, so that I would forget everything. No demon attacks. We go to the beach to have fun, and what do we find?" Demons, freaking demons on the beach." Adam ranted. "Worse, succubi actually." Violet corrected Adam. "Oh those things. Just great, how lovely. What's next, an Imp to join the party?" After Jim said the last sentence. Suddenly. "Oh my god its a fuckin possum." She said and pointed at an imp. Jim turns to the source of the voice, and surprise surprise. There's an imp. He watched as the imp got grabbed by one guy and got stuffed into a keg with a sign says beer. 

"Hey, there really is an imp on the beach." Adam and Violet heard Jim said that. "Great, that's just great." Adam said with a face palm. "What are they doin to it?" Violet asked Jim. "They shoved him into a keg. These idiots doesn't know that's an imp." Jim said. "They don't know cause they drank too much." Violet said. "Their too drunk to even know what's going on." Adam said. "Then let's follow them." Violet suggested. "What, are you crazy?" Jim said. "Yeah, plus. Where's Henry, and his gang?" Adam wondered.  Violet sees their not at their spot. Instead their at where the other people are. "Ugh. Even henry and his friends are under the spell.  Jim, try to get henry and the others out of there." Violet orders Jimmy. "Why me? I'm not going out there in the weird crowd." Jim protested the idea.

 "You have to, we need to get them, and us out of here. Plus I'm a year older then you, so get them out of there before something happens." Violet said. "Fine, but what do I have to do? To not fall under a spell?" Jim asked. "Just slap yourself from time to time." Violet gave Jim an idea in order to fight the charm. "That's gonna hurt, but ok." Jim went to get henry, and his buddies. "Come on Adam, we're gonna catch up with those guys." Adam and violet follows the group. Unware The female imp is also in pursuit.  

Jim goes to look for henry, then he sees something red with long horns. Jim figures out he's about to pass by an imp. He would think about asking him, but he knows it would a fatal move to do. So he continues walking. "Ok, be cool." Pretend your just passing by." Blitzo gives a suspicious look to jimmy, Jim tries to play cool by adjusting his glasses. Then they pass by each other. Jim thought he was safe. But not quite yet.

"Hey you. Jim turns around and Points at himself suggesting if blitzo is talking to him. Yes you, kid with glasses. Come here for a sec, I wanna ask you something." Blitzo gestured him to come with his sharp long finger. "Just play it cool. Don't say something stupid." Jim said in his thoughts. Jim decides to comply, and goes towards the Imp and hopes he doesn't get killed by it. 

"So what is it you wanna ask?" Jim said. "Where are you going?" Blitzo wondered where Jim is going. "I'm trying to get my older bro and his friends so that we can go." Jim said. "Oh so your fetching your big bro huh? Well good luck trying, you would have to pass by those thirsty people if you wanna get outta this mess." Blitzo tells him. "I can manage fine, I'm not a kid." Jim said. "Oh are you? Then proof it." Proof your not a wuss. Oh and before you do, one more thing." Blitzo said. "What?" Jim asked. "What do I look like to you?"

 Jim looked at Blitzo carefully, and find the perfect picture. "You look like some Clown from the circus that quitted, and found a new job of your own." Jim suddenly regretted it. However to Blitzo, he took it as a compliment. "Why thank you kid, that makes me feel better. And I am very glad I did." He said and left Jimmy. Jimmy manage to talk his way out of it. Jimmy passed by the two people, and saw little of their eye color. "Well crap." "I hope I don't run into one of those. Jimmy pressed forward into the crowd. 

 Verosika took a swig on her drink and gets ready to throw it. "Now who wants a piece of this?!" She throw her hip-flask alcohol, bopped each one of people's head, and right into the ocean. However its hell made alcohol,  the random fish touched the hell made alcohol, and begins the mutation. Meanwhile Adam and violet eventually caught up with the keg that's not occupied.
"Look there it is." Adam went to try to open the keg. "Hold it right there!" Adam gets startled and turns to see a female imp. "Kindly step away from the keg." She asked nicely while holding a knife behind her if Adam disobeys. "OK, ok." Not trying anything here." Adam said while holding his hands up, and backs away. The keg suddenly shook itself. "Is anyooone here?"

 A voice in the keg said. The female imp opened the lid, and the keg down. Spilling beer, and the imp with it. "Moxxie." She said and checks if the imp name Moxxie is doing fine. "Milleeeeee...hi.." Hey when did you get four heads? I wanna kiss 'em." Moxxie said as tries to put his hands up to try and kiss her. Mille smiles at moxxie while he tried to smooch.  Adam and violet sat and watched. Not sure how to react to the imp who is drunk. She picks him up, unsure of what to do. Then she turns to the two humans and remembers she's being watched by both of them. 

"Ok I saw you both following. So what in hell were you about to do if you got to him first?" Mille asked in a protective manner. Nothing, we just wanted to see if the imp is legit. we were not gonna hurt him." Adam said. "Then I guess it looks legit enough that both of you are real imps." 
Violet said. Mille realizes their not in the crowd with them, which means their smart enough to tell. "How is it your not joining the party?" She asked. "Well we're not older enough to drink or smoke. But I don't do stuff like that." Adam said.  "I guess your not as your as stupid as I thought." Mille said. "Who's, the blurrry boy, Or the other ooooone. Moxxie said while drunk.
"You could say that, I had believed their real, and I always knew I was right. Now jimmy would have to say I'm right." Violet said cheerfully. Mille turns to Adam. "What made you believe?" 
"I was a victim. I lost an orphanage, and almost died." Adam said. "Awwwwww, how saaad." "Want hugs?" Moxxie said as he opens his arms and moves his arms around trying to reach Adam. Hearing Adam's story, Mille came to realization. Hold on a minute. You wouldn't happen to be-" Mille was about to guess if that boy is Adam, but was soon interrupted by a water rising.

 And revealed to be a big mutant monster fish. Everyone turned their heads towards the big mutant fish. The monster fish stepped on a random guy, and splattered on some random people looking at the fish in shock. One guy looks down from his glasses to see if he's seeing things, and one random girl screams. Everyone runs for their life, all while Blitzo is trying to get a kill by chocking him while the victim tries to get every last drop of a drink. Only for him to turn its attention towards the mutant fish. Adam and violet look in complete shock at the mutant fish. 

"A mutant fish?" Violet said "I just can't even get a break from all of this supernatural crap     can't I?" Adam said. Wondered how their gonna handle the situation with the Mutant catfish.   


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