We stay like that for maybe a minute, then our hands start to cramp a little as it was not a great position to sit in. "Tori I may not have told you yet, but I am so happy for you both. I am glad that you had each other then and even now. I told Liz yesterday that falling in love with your best friend and getting to marry her is the best at least in my opinion." Tori squeezes my hand tightly and I see she has tears forming in her eyes. I do not like that so wipe them away before they even fell. I do not want to see her cry. That is another reason I am not so excited about this trip. Walking down memory lane is not easy.

Our flight landed, Tori and Liz booked a hotel. I know Liz's parents used to live here. I am not sure if they live here or not anymore. I would presume not seeing as it would be too far for them. The hotel is not some expensive thing. I like it because I am happy to stay in a normal hotel, we might have too many shocks to prepare for to think of staying at an expensive hotel. The kids and I are rooming together. My idea. Because I want Tori and Liz to enjoy as well as I need some 'cushions' and who better than my niece and nephew. They agreed to share with me instantly. I am glad for that.

Today we are going to go to the house. I knew it would be a disaster yesterday only when they told me about it. As soon as we entered the house, I felt it. The disaster starting. First, the house looks like someone came in and blew a tornado through it. I am sure whoever it is, was the one who sent me the letters. I should be angry but instead I want to send a thank you card to them. None of the big furniture is overturned, only papers everywhere. Some pictures scattered here and there. The living room, the kitchen all a big mess. I try to get upstairs to my old room. The stairs looked clean. And so, did my room. Well, it is my room, so it was not very organized to begin with plus I packed here. Hence it was already messy to begin with.

I just went into my closet and flipped on the switch. I knew what I was looking for is there. And there it is. I heard the door open, and I see Tori enter my room.

"Why is the house in a mess Kris?"

"I have no idea Tori."

"We have to report this."

"I mean you can if you want to. But I don't care."

"Okay. What are you looking at?" Tori asks frowning a little.

I step aside so that she could see it. My fake wall of memories. Well memories of Tori more, but I kept it. Hidden and tucked away from the eyes of my parents. I kept the pictures I could find of Tori growing up along with me. I have some of Tori and Liz as well. Some of the three of us. I found them right after Tori left, in the basement one day. And I snuck them into my room. Then I tried to find spot to hide them. They changed spots over the years finally ending up in my closet. Tori looks at them and then at me, her eyes glisten over and she starts crying. Soft sobs escaping her mouth. Liz then walks in with the kids. I mean Alex was already here with Tori, but she was standing outside so I didn't know before Tori entered my old room.

Liz soon comes towards Tori's side and then gasps seeing the wall of photos. Or as I liked to call it, my wall of memories. Then Liz's eyes glistened over. But she is not crying, no. She is holding Tori as heartbreaking sobs escape from my sister. I hate the fact that I cannot help Tori and that I indirectly made her cry. Liz must have sensed something as she suddenly pulls me in the hug with Tori. James is walking around my room and looking at it. Alex is just sitting on my bed.

The bed suddenly creaks when Alex changes her position, and she goes to examine it. I see Alex pull out an envelope. I know what it contains. So, I take it from her and rush out. I just...can't. James then pulls my hand and bring me back to my old room.

"Kiss what is in the envelope?" Alex asks.

"Nothing sweetie." I say trying to pretend there really is nothing there. I then pack the envelope in the bag I brought to take stuff. I also take out the pictures from my memory wall and put them in another envelope before putting them in my bag. Then I crawl under my bed to get stuff from there. I hid some things not just under my bed but also underneath the mattress. I got all of them out and packed them as well. Tori has stopped crying by this time. I went over to my dresser and moved it. Liz helped me a bit, then I got the stuff I hid there as well. Huh! I realize I have loads of hidden stuff in my room.

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