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(Present day)

You had gotten home in the early morning around 4 am, you didn't realize how long you drove around the city thinking of your past, with Junpei asleep in the back seat, you finally pulled up to the driveway. It had been 2 years since you left Los Angeles, 2 years since you left Mahito. You thought you could run away from your past regrets and mistakes but you couldn't. Now you're back, but you're not the same woman that left. You woke up Junpei and went to your old room.

"It's still the same" you said as you admired the large room filled with your things that you left behind. You would have thought your mother cleaned it out, but she didn't.

You laid into the large bed, thinking of why you really returned to Los Angeles. But there was no particular reason, you were just drawn back home. You fell asleep pondering on why you came back, but it was just a coincidence?

No everything happens for a reason.


"Ms. Y/n, wake up you're late." Called out your mother's maid. You forgot you returned home after last night. Junpei begged for you to come home, rather then staying at a hotel.

"Late?" You looked at the clock, oblivious to what you were late to.

"Ma'am," followed by a knock. " you have a meeting with your mother in 30 minutes."

"WHAT SINCE WHEN?" You jumped up as quickly as you could. You rushed to your small suit case and grabbed the only business suit you still owned. You didn't know what your mother wanted but most likely it was to resume the conversation from two years ago.

"Your mother requested your presence the moment you arrive, so please ma'am. Don't be late." The maid left swiftly with out a sound.

"Damn it," you thought of last night as you looked at the marks along your neck in the mirror. His touch how it gave you butterflies just thinking of his lips on yours once more. His touch wasn't like any other man you slept with. How he intoxicated you with just his breath along your skin.

"I should've just stayed if I knew I was having a meeting..." you sighed in half seriousness as you pulled on your blazer. You grabbed a pair of heels walking out the room barefoot.

Another maid waited at the bottom of the staircase with a tray and a cup of coffee. "Good morning y/n, I suggest you drink this, I heard you come home this morning."

You gave her a wide eyed look as she looked at you with a subtle smirk. "Don't tell mother"

"Of course ma'am, just don't bring Sir Junpei with you next time." The maids name was Jane, she had been working for your family since you were very young. She technically raised you and Junpei. Now she is a small 60 year old woman, she was more like a mother then your mother ever had been.

"Thank you, Jane" you gave her a small hug and kiss on the cheek before heading out the large doors.

You drove to your mothers skyscraper building. So much had changed these last 2 years. You mother's business had grown rapidly, making it one of the largest, richest energy companies. Designing and building some of the most used technology and clean energy sources. But that didn't interest you, you would only be an heir to managing a business. A life filled with meetings, paperwork, and eventually politics. You wouldn't be your own person...

"I don't want to be her," you sighed as you pulled up to the valet. You gave the keys to the valet driver and stared at the tall glass doors.

You took a deep breath preparing for the argument you knew you couldn't win. That's what it was, you and your mother were so much alike that you could never agree with her. Both of you wanted your way, to build your own path. Your mothers path was to make you successful like her, but it cost you to become her in order for her to follow her path that never crossed with yours.

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