Chapter 16: I'm just glad we're at least friends.

Start from the beginning

“Well, you’re not. I’m actually Harry Styles’ girlfriend, and I saved both his and your life at that concert I told you NOT to go to, but you wouldn’t listen.”

“Rose! It’s ONE DIRECTION, how could I not!?!?”

“Sofia, there are better things to do in life.”

“Come on.” She rolled her eyes. “If I hadn’t gone, then you wouldn’t have met Harry.”

I opened my mouth to protest, but she was right. If she hadn’t gone, then Harry would have died, and I wouldn’t have even met him.

“You’re right.”

“Aha!” She said. “I helped you meet the love of your life!” She sang, and did a little dance. I laughed at the computer screen.

“I don’t love him. We started actually going out- what? 2 hours ago?”

“You will.” She smiled, showing her huge dimples, that sometimes showed even when she wasn’t smiling.

“I like him. A lot. If anything new happens, I’ll let you know.”

“Same here.”

“Oh, and please tell Mom and Dad that I’m okay. Just tell them everything I told you. Except for the whole Harry and I being a couple. I don’t need Dad to start another one of his rants on why celebrities are heartless jerks who only care about money.”

“Will do.” She gave me a thumbs up.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door. I already knew who it was.

“Who’s that?” She asked.

“You heard that?”

“Yeah, your laptop mic is amazing.”

I laughed. “It’s probably Niall. We’ve become good friends since this whole chaotic thing began.”

“Introduce me, please?”

“No.” I said.

“But why????” She whined.

“Sometime later, ‘k? I gotta go.” I said.

“UGH.” She groaned. “Fine.”

Then the Skype call ended.

I got up and fixed my shirt before opening the door.

“Hi.” I said.

“Hey!” He said.

“What are you doing here?” I asked him, inviting him in.

“I got bored, and I heard Harry was gone, so I’m being a good friend to both of you and keeping you company.”

“How sweet.” I smiled.

“I brought my games. Fifa?”

“Maybe we should take one of these games outside, don’t you think? I mean, maybe it’ll give you a chance to redeem yourself.” I teased.

“I can play on the field and console, I don’t need to prove anything.”

“Just like I don’t need to prove anything when I can say I’m better at both.”

“Sure.” He said. We headed towards the couch and he put the game in the Xbox underneath the TV. How convenient. Xbox’s in each room.

We began to play, and this time, Niall beat me twice out of the five games we played. He was better, just not good enough.

“You’re insane!” He said, throwing the controlled up in the air.

“You’re jealous.” I said.

“No, I’m not.” He crossed his arms.

“Jealous, jealous, jealous.” I said, right in his face.

“Rose, I’m not.” He denied once more.

“I-” He examined my face. So closely and so carefully. Our faces were only 3 or 4 centimeters apart, and I thought it was nothing except a friendly ‘haha-in-your-face’ thing. I smiled, and as I smiled, I felt Niall’s hands fall onto my waist. Simultaneously, his lips pressed against mine. He kissed me, and I was too shocked to move. I was frozen. Literally frozen. He was kissing me, and I wasn’t letting him, but I wasn’t stopping him either. Why? Because  I couldn’t.

What was he doing?? He knew I was Harry’s girlfriend! And now, I really was!

This could get ugly.

So, I politely, but forcingly pushed myself away. “Niall....” I tried to sound as polite as possible without possibly screaming at him. Niall was my friend.... just my friend. “Harry...”

“Oh.” He pulled away, and even stood up, realizing what he just did. “Rose.... I didn’t- I wasn’t thinking- I just have had this small crush on you and-”

“It’s okay, I just need you to understand Harry is my boyfriend and he loves me, and I love him.” At least it wasn’t a complete lie anymore.

“I understand. Please don’t tell him.” He begged.

“I kind of have to.”

“Harry is my best mate. He wouldn’t be too happy.”

“You can tell him with me.”

“But Rose, you don’t get me. I understand you, but you don’t understand that every single time I see you and Harry together- your love just doesn’t seem real. And I think you’re cute and talented and funny and it makes me want to make you believe that someone will treat you right.”

My heart cracked a little as soon as he said that. Niall was possibly one of the sweetest people I had ever known, and he had just made me feel guilty for turning him down. But I had no fault in this!

“That’s the kindest thing anyone has ever said to me.... thank you.” I said, standing up to give him a hug. When I did, he was hesitant to hug back, but eventually he put his arms around me. I felt him take a deep breath.

“I’m just glad we’re at least friends.”

“Me too.” I said, pulling away and giving him a kind smile.

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